Re: Request: Posts since last visit
Thanks for this super great feedback Trent!
1) This is something my plugin can’t do. You have to change the views-template, because this message is also missing in any other view without contents. Maybe something for a trac-ticket?
Just add
<?php else: ?>
<p>Sorry, no matching posts found!</p>
in front of the last <?php endif; ?>
in the views template.
2) I’ll implement a function for this
3) Maybe like the latest discussions on the front-page? … Yeah, it’s a good idea instead of leaving it blank!
4) Donno exactly. When I look at the views-code there seems to be paging functionality already?!
5) I thought of this issue, too. It adds a few queries on every page refresh, but I have no idea how to optimize this.
Thanks again man!