Re: Profile Tabs
I tested the second method on the latest build and it passes the bb_repermalink tests and loads.
I tried using standard URLs and both types of permalinks.
I didn’t try to load a template. I used a file called avatar-upload.php containing the following:
bb_repermalink(); // The magic happens here.
echo 'test';
My test plugin contained:
Plugin Name: Test for fel64
Plugin URI:
Description: Test profile tab addition
Author: Scooby Doo
Version: 0.0.1
Author URI:
$bb->debug = 1;
function felavatartab()
add_profile_tab(__('Avatar'), 'edit_profile', 'moderate', 'avatar-upload.php');
add_action( 'bb_profile_menu', 'felavatartab' );