Re: Post-install login not working, grrrrr
Success. I redid everything, dropped the db’s bb_ tables, started over, and it worked.
This time I put the forum folder inside the WP folder. (I tried to log in with another browser, so make sure it wasn’t just my WP “admin” cookie getting me in, and the other browser worked.)
That by itself shouldn’t necessarily have provided a magic fix, only share cookies, right?
So what was it? I don’t know for sure… maybe the my-plugins folder didn’t have the correct permissions, or the bbPress plugin inside it, and re-doing everything helped.
I wish I could be of more help here to those who can’t get it working. Maybe just being a real example of a person who had a no-login issue and resolved it is enough motivation. My advice: start over.
Thanks to Trent for your assistance offer!