Re: please help to fix the “style-rtl.css”
Trent – I see you have fixed the problem. Thank you very much !
I will now go to build the forum, and will share with all of you once I made it work (and also, will share my Hebrew translation to the rest of the community)
Again, Trent, thank you very much
p.s: one small correction I made to the stylesheet, was to the header.
In the current configuration, The first letter of the name of the forums, is cut off.
So to fix it, I erased the line:
font-style: italic;
from the file style.css, in the “#header h1 { ” section, as seen here:
In style.css:
#header h1 {
font-family: Georgia;
/*font-style: italic;*/ <– this line
position: absolute;
display: block;
color: #444;
text-align: right;
letter-spacing: -1px;
right: 59px;
bottom: 31px;
I don’t know how to incorporate it into the trunk or to post a ticket, but I hope what I write will help…
Another small issue (which matters little to me, but is worth noting) :
When the mouse hovers around a header of (for example a forum name): in Firefox, you get the whole line to change color(as it should). in IE you deon’t get that effect.