Re: Permalink broken when in admin mode!
@ chrishajer
thanks for the reply.
My site url is :
My forum url is :
I have created a test user : bbpresstest
Password is : test
Currently there is only 1 post in my forum – “Your first topic”
When I am logged in the url for the same is :
When I am logged out the url is :
I believe the later is a pretty permalink whereas the first is not.
Help here is appreciated. My .htaccess is located in the root folder with the following lines:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /forums/
RewriteRule ^forum/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$ /forums/forum.php?id=$1&page=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^forum/([^/]+)/?$ /forums/forum.php?id=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^topic/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$ /forums/topic.php?id=$1&page=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^topic/([^/]+)/?$ /forums/topic.php?id=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^tags/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$ /forums/tags.php?tag=$1&page=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^tags/([^/]+)/?$ /forums/tags.php?tag=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^tags/?$ /forums/tags.php [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^profile/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$ /forums/profile.php?id=$1&page=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^profile/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?$ /forums/profile.php?id=$1&tab=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^profile/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$ /forums/profile.php?id=$1&tab=$2&page=$3 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^profile/([^/]+)/?$ /forums/profile.php?id=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^view/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$ /forums/view.php?view=$1&page=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^view/([^/]+)/?$ /forums/view.php?view=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^rss/?$ /forums/rss.php [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^rss/forum/([^/]+)/?$ /forums/rss.php?forum=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^rss/topic/([^/]+)/?$ /forums/rss.php?topic=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^rss/tags/([^/]+)/?$ /forums/rss.php?tag=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^rss/profile/([^/]+)/?$ /forums/rss.php?profile=$1 [L,QSA]