since this is about WPMU, I guess I don’t need to open a new thread. We have common problems.
To get you secret key: go to
It lists out your option and your SECRET_KEY is a long alphanumeric character in front of the key ‘entry’.
For the second secret (I’ve forgotten which is which), just define one in the wp-config.php of your installation.
I’ve not checked user-integration on my side by downgrading bbpress sounds like a pain.
Now, to my own problem;
I just installed bbpress on my new WPMU based website. I used the automated wordpress registration.
Everything is working fine but I’ve got two concerns:
1. I got this error on installation: Duplicate key name ‘user_nicename’
>>> User tables will already exist when performing a database integrated installation.
It looks pretty harmless, but I want reassurrance that it will not be harmful in the future.
2. The only pretty permalink feature working is the default forum.php?id=1. The others give 404 errors.
Any idea what I might do?