Re: move_topics/topic_move_dropdown(); not working?
With version 1.0-rc-1 and the default template (or if the current template includes <?php bb_topic_admin(); ?>
) and you are logged in with the proper credentials for moving a post you should see the “Move this topic…” dropdown. With Kakumei it appears under the Reply form.
Lines 49-55 of kakumei’s topic.php:
<?php if ( bb_current_user_can( 'delete_topic', get_topic_id() ) || bb_current_user_can( 'close_topic', get_topic_id() ) || bb_current_user_can( 'stick_topic', get_topic_id() ) || bb_current_user_can( 'move_topic', get_topic_id() ) ) : ?>
<div class="admin">
<?php bb_topic_admin(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>