Re: List all Tags?
I mean all the tags used on the site, so we could see two columns
Tag | User
so each tag could have multiple users who used it.
Some users are using inappropriate tags on posts. We want a public list so we can name and shame them. Currently the only way to see who posted what tag is to do an SQL query along the lines of
SELECT bb_users.user_nicename, bb_terms.slug, bb_topics.topic_slug
FROM bb_terms
INNER JOIN bb_term_taxonomy ON bb_term_taxonomy.term_id = bb_terms.term_id
INNER JOIN bb_term_relationships ON
bb_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id =
INNER JOIN bb_topics ON bb_term_relationships.object_id = bb_topics.topic_id
INNER JOIN bb_users ON bb_term_relationships.user_id = bb_users.ID
WHERE bb_terms.slug = 'TAG NAME'