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Re: Let ask again …



You know, it’s responses like that, that really tend to make sour what is otherwise the sweet enthusiasm of enjoying being part of a growing project. I mean no disrespect to anyone on this forum; developers, moderators, etc… But quite honestly it’s that type of holier than thou attitude that is going to upset your core audience…

  1. I’m here because I want to be.
  2. I’m here because I can be.
  3. I’m here on my own schedule, just like Sam.
  4. If that’s really how you feel, then the reasons I’m here shouldn’t matter.
  5. This isn’t rushing, this is a valid question; “What is it you say you do here?”
  6. You shouldn’t talk to people like they are children.
  7. Thanks for the… er… warning I guess, Tom Smykowski.


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