Re: Learning Curve Too Large
I’d have to read the forums, once again, to figure out what you mean.
Or you could just ask us here. A large part of these forums is just for help making it work. You’d be happier with bbPress in the long run.
The markup thing for example is quite simple; I struggled with it initially but a random guess worked out, and the quicktags certainly help. Any text between two backticks (on a European/English keyboard, the button just above tab) will be rendered as code. The ‘markup’ thing refers to HTML, so to make that work you do this:
makes your text italic </em>
<br />
like so will create a single new line.
or <ol>
will create a ‘list’ structure. Simply put <li>
and </li>
around each seperate list element. End the list by putting </ul>
or </ol>
To create links, you do this: <a href="">
link text</a>