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Re: How to install bbPress, WordPress already installed



In that Autumn Almanac theme, you can add a link in menu.php. It can easily be before or after the link to Home, of after all the pages that are listed (so, end of the line.) Just add this to menu.php right after <?php wp_list_pages('depth=1&title_li='); ?>:

<li><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/forum/" title="Visit the forums"></a></li>

That will add an additional list item right after all the rest of the pages in your menu.

You could also do it by creating a page called Forum and then just redirect the content of that page to your forums. That way you could control the page order and have it appear in a place other than the beginning or end of the menu.

You didn’t mention what version of bbPress and WordPress you’re trying to integrate. It matters. Looks like you are using WordPress 2.6.3 – I don’t know how to properly integrate the logins with any version of bbPress. If you spend some time looking through these forums, you will see people who’ve had trouble with integration. Maybe someone else can help you with that.

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