Re: highlight first post
yay this is somehow all greek to me, were you able to handle those instructions john?
since i’m not a kakumei user it seems to be a little tricky
so i’ve got in my topic.php…
<?php do_action('under_title', ''); ?>
<?php if ($posts) : ?>
<?php topic_pages(); ?>
<?php foreach ($posts as $bb_post) : $del_class = post_del_class(); ?>
<?php bb_post_template(); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php topic_pages(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
and in my post.php the following code…
<table class="content" id="fbg3" cellspacing="0" id="post-<?php post_id(); ?>">
<td class="typo">
<?php post_text(); ?><div class="link"><?php post_edit_link(); ?><?php post_delete_link(); ?><?php post_ip_link(); ?></div>
<td class="info">
<div class="avatar"><?php post_author_avatar(); ?></div>
<div id="fbg3info">
<div id="bubble2"></div>
<a href="<?php bb_option('uri'); ?>profile.php?id=<?php post_author(); ?>"><b><?php post_author(); ?></b></a><br />
<?php printf( __('%s'), bb_get_post_time() ); ?>