Re: Here’s how to show bbPress info inside WordPress without full integration
Yes but that wouldn’t work from the WordPress side.
The correct way to do it directly would be to either use the topic table which has the topic_poster_name (not bb_posts) or to use a LEFT JOIN on the user table to fetch the user_login.
The LEFT JOIN will also get you the display name.
But there are several problems with your question.
First of all, you mean Display Name, not Nice Name, unless you are trying to use it in a way I don’t understand.
Secondly 0.9 doesn’t use Display Name.
“SELECT * FROM bb_posts WHERE topic_id=$topic_id AND post_id != $first_reply_id AND post_status=0 ORDER BY post_time DESC”
is a very inefficient query, there’s no LIMIT, you are using *
what exactly are you trying to find?