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Re: Help! I renamed my bbpress file directory name…



I just tried this same thing to see if I could recreate the problem. I renamed my bbpress folder, then navigated to the new URL. The forum came up. I tried to log in; I was redirected to the OLD url and got a WordPress 404 page since there is no page there.

Then, I added the line that _ck_ recommended in bb-config.php:

$bb->uri = ‘’;

And I navigated to the new URL again. The forum came up. Then I tried to log in, and I logged in fine. In the admin, in the settings tab, the new URL is there (the one I entered in the bb-config.php, per _ck_’s suggestion.)

If this was not your experience, maybe you have a problem with permalinks or mod_rewrite rules. Try turning permalinks off and navigating to the forum again.

p.s. I didn’t do anything with the cookies, and I do not have an integrated installation. Just a WordPress site with a forum in a sub-directory.

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