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Re: Get latest topics performance “problem” and “solution”



I think it’s cool that the index and the mini-plugin can improve on bbPress, but “severe performance issues” to me is not going from 0.0920 to 0.0005 seconds. That’s from 1/10 of a second to nearly nothing. But 1/10 second was “severe performance issues”?

Or, does this query from _ck_ just show a way to measure the improvement, where in actual usage, someone with 10K topics or 42K topics would see a performance hit (delay) much different than the test query that _ck_ posted. I’m all for improving what can be improved, but there are much larger issues to worry about than something that is taking 1/10th of a second. With bandwidth and browsers being what they are, the page isn’t going to load that quickly anyway, and adding 1/10 of a second to the processing time is not going to be noticeable to me.

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