Re: Freshness Linked
Not sure how to do that specifically, however here’s a quick rip of Sam Bauer’s pagination plugin that’ll add a double-forward arrow to the end of each topic name linking to the latest post. Copy it into a text file, save it as something.php and upload.
Plugin Name: Link to last Post
Plugin URI:
Description: Adds page links to topic lists
Author: fel64
Version: 0.7
Author URI:
if (!function_exists('is_tags')) {
function is_tags()
return is_tag();
if (is_front() || is_forum() || is_tags()) {
add_filter('topic_title', 'fel_addlatestlink', 101);
function fel_addlatestlink($title)
global $topic;
$felgtlpl = get_topic_last_post_link($topic->topic_id);
$title = $title . ' <a href="' . $felgtlpl . '"> » </a>';
return $title;