Re: Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp()
well what happened at :
it is up and running!!!!!
did you reinstalled wordpress? and bbPress??
well i am facing similar problem i used wordpress 2.8.2 and bbpress 1.0.2,
similar error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp() in /……./wp-blog-header.php on line 18
it has shifted to line 18 because i did functions integration
earlier bbPress was running but not the wordpress, after doing this Functions integration bbPress too started showing a warning about this require_once(‘path/to/wp-blog-header.php’); and a fatal error.
but then i removed the function require_once(‘path/to/wp-blog-header.php’); and now i have bbPress up and running, earlier there was a SECURE AUTH cookie salt mismatch which i changed, but i didn’t solve the problem with wordpress install, earlier while installing bbPress, i checked wordpress config file it had three cookie keys and salts weren’t there so i defined 70 letter long strings with the characters
true wordpress keys don’t have these special characters
could these be the cause of the problem?
or filling in a wrong key at installtion process could have done it,
i don’t think defining a new salt key could have initiated all this
i have two wordpress MU installs and bbPress works well with them.
why problems with standard wordpress maybe character support?????????