Re: Error messages with bbPress and WP’s WP_CACHE
OK then, you really need to upgrade.
Here’s how I would do it…
- De-integrate cookies, clear out all cookie settings in bbPress/WordPress including hardcoded ones in configs with the exception of you secret keys (BB_AUTH_KEY and friends)
- Upgrade to the latest Trunk of bbPress
- Upgrade to the latest release of the bbPress Integration plugin
- Clear all relevant cookies in your browser
- Setup integration in WordPress first, go to the admin panel for the plugin – use the settings it gives you to use in your wp-config.php file
- Setup integration in bbPress second, if the plugin in WordPress tells you to add a special constant to bb-config.php, do that now too. You’ll need to login to bbPress separately at this stage. Only enter settings into the admin, don’t try to add anything back into your bb-config.php except that one line from the WordPress plugin
- Now you should be good to go again, clear your browser cookies and try various ways to login and logout