Re: DB access problem in the first installation step.
Well, I did change to “mysqli” on line 80 in db-mysqli.php.
Those latter warnings appeared during Step2 in the installation process, and is related to line 6 in upgrade-schema.php.
I have changed line 6 to
if ( version_compare($this->$dbhname, '4.1.0', '>=') )
but still get this warning:
Warning: mysqli_get_server_info() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in /home/nicuuorg/public_html/neonatologyforparents/wp/bbp/bb-admin/upgrade-schema.php on line 6
PS. When I added $this->$dbhname inbetween the brackets “mysqli_get_server_info()” I got a fatal error during installation.