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Re: Bug? “No Replies” on a thread is inaccurate in Profile



Trent, I am looking into bb-templates/profile.php around line 52. It seems like this test always fails and thus prints ‘No replies.’ Seems like the wrong two values are being compared or something. Also, it seems like strtotime(get_topic_start_time()) returns a really weird date, in the future too, and it’s changing too, every time I run the query. That should not happen for the topic start time (it is what it is, right?) Here are some of the time stamps I’ve received in the past couple minutes.

1169441052 Sun, 21 Jan 2007 22:44:12 -0600

1169441231 Sun, 21 Jan 2007 22:47:11 -0600

1169441457 Sun, 21 Jan 2007 22:50:57 -0600

The topic_start_time from MySQL:

2006-12-07 21:43:24

The topic_time from MySQL:

2006-12-17 15:58:30

The topic_time is accurate in the profile page (1166389110) but it fails because get_topic_start_time() is returning some date in the future…


(Also, the date on my server is accurate, and my post freshness is working properly. The only issue I have with time is that the server is GMT -0500 and my customers are GMT -0600, so the post times are off an hour, but no one minds that.)

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