Re: bbpress post – move ‘discuss’ link to ‘filed under’ area?
Ack, I’m sorry but the stupid easy mistake is mine. This will only work for blog posts which have a corresponding topic in bbPress, so for any blog posts you made before installing the bbPress Post plugin it won’t work. Should’ve thought about that before copying you the code.
function forumreplylink() {
//must be called from within the loop yadda yadda
global $post;
$rl = get_option( 'wpbb_path' ) . '/topic.php?id=';
$tid = felblogtotopicid( $post->ID );
if( $tid ) {
echo '<a href="' . $rl . $tid . '">Reply!</a>' . "n";
} else {
comments_number('No Comments','1 comment','% comments');
Replace the old forumreplylink()
with this and it will either show the reply link or a link to the comments. If you only want it to show the reply link but no link to comments, just take that comments line out.