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Re: bbpress post – move ‘discuss’ link to ‘filed under’ area?

Ack, I’m sorry but the stupid easy mistake is mine. This will only work for blog posts which have a corresponding topic in bbPress, so for any blog posts you made before installing the bbPress Post plugin it won’t work. Should’ve thought about that before copying you the code. :(

function forumreplylink() {
//must be called from within the loop yadda yadda
global $post;
$rl = get_option( 'wpbb_path' ) . '/topic.php?id=';
$tid = felblogtotopicid( $post->ID );
if( $tid ) {
echo '<a href="' . $rl . $tid . '">Reply!</a>' . "n";
} else {
comments_number('No Comments','1 comment','% comments');

Replace the old forumreplylink() with this and it will either show the reply link or a link to the comments. If you only want it to show the reply link but no link to comments, just take that comments line out. :)

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