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Re: bbPress Integration

Jimmy B.


Alright, so good news, it’s all working. I actually ended up including bb-load into my sites login script, then calling the login function when a successful login happened on my site, this then set cookies for my site and bbPress. I also have it so that when a successful registration takes place on my site it also inserts the user into the bbPress users database with the proper information. I snagged the MD5 password plugin for bbPress, modified it to change passwords to sha1 (which is also what my site uses).

Then I snagged the freshly baked cookies plugin for bbpress so that it also sets WordPress cookies. I got the external DB auth plugin for WordPress so that it uses the bbPress users table for authentication. I’ve killed registrations through WordPress and bbPress…so you can only register through my site. So now it works that a user registers and logs in through my site, and when they have a successful login they can use my site and WordPress and bbPress.

Thanks for the help! :)

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