Re: bbcode plugins URL not work
I am changing the behavior to be more intuitive.
If they have highlighted text, it will create a link for them by just asking for the link.
If there is no highlighted text, it will first ask for the link, then it will ask for the text for the link.
Replace this function by with it’s one new line in BBcode-Buttons.js
function edInsertLink(i, defaultValue) {
if (!defaultValue) {defaultValue = 'http://';}
if (!edCheckOpenTags(i)) {
var URL = prompt('Enter the URL' ,defaultValue);
if (URL) {BBcodeButtons.tagStart = ''; edInsertTag(i);}
if (edCheckOpenTags(i)) {var myValue = prompt('Enter the text for the link', ''); edInsertContent(myValue); edInsertTag(i);}
else {edInsertTag(i);}
Or download 0.0.8 shortly.