Re: bbAttachments not functional
The problem for a plugin author, as I see it, is that you can follow RSS feeds for each of your plugins, in the plugin forum, but you can’t catch every topic posted in the forums here that mentions your plugin. has a pretty good method of tagging the support topics with [Plugin-Name] so you can follow an RSS feed for an individual plugin in the support forums. That doesn’t exist here. I often wonder how they enforce consistency for plugin names in those tags.
Actually, maybe they don’t. These are all about All in One SEO pack from Michael Torbert.
[Plugin All In One SEO]
[PLUGIN: All-in-One SEO]
Plugin: All in One SEO
So, maybe they don’t. Seeing this, I think it would be much easier for a plugin author to follow the RSS feed for their page, and not try to watch the forums for mentions of their plugins.