Re: bb_mail for user registration
tried the mb_encode_mimeheader() thing.. but can’t get it to work as desired.
could i please get a bit more of instruction where to put it in with what parameter(s)?
—-what i have tried
towards the end of function bb_mail() in bb-includes/pluggable.php
$headers = trim(join(defined('BB_MAIL_EOL') ? BB_MAIL_EOL : "n", $headers));
$headers = mb_encode_mimeheader($headers, 'utf-8', 'B', defined('BB_MAIL_EOL') ? BB_MAIL_EOL : "n");
//--end add--
return @mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
Although it shows fine as it comes on my Apple Mail, as momo-i and somebody else mentioned, utf8 can get garbled…
Thank you in advance