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Re: Ability to “save draft”

I’m interested in this too. Mostly I’m interested because my current forum that I’m converting from (phpbb) allows you to preview your post, and that feature will be sorely missed. Bring able to save a draft of it would fit right along side a preview, pretty much just like the way WordPress allows authors to save/preview drafts. Now, I’m not a php person in any way (although I wish I was) but I can see it could easily work to make a plug-in or mod that would allow you the option to save your post draft for later with a different post status and pull it or all your saved/unpublished drafts into a single page by pulling them based on the status and your user id. From there you could edit those posts and “publish” them by saving and changing the status code to so that bbPress “sees” it as a valid post rather than a “deleted” or “saved draft”.

I tinkered with this idea a little while ago but with my php knowledge limited to hacking peices here and there to suit my needs it’s just too much of a task. I can’t imagine it would be too complicated to implement. Let us know if this pans out Vili or anyone else who has an urge to work on something like this.

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