zaerl (@zaerl)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @zaerl


    I like it. Very clean theme.



    As I said in the other post:

    Cannot modify header information – headers already sent



    I’m sorry but my career of plugins creator has ended. bbPress development will end at 1.1. Given this I will not upload new plugins nor I will provide support for existing versions.

    In reply to: Plugin alternatives?



    Ask the original author.

    In reply to: Plugin alternatives?



    Assuming that you are using the Kakumei theme open /bb-templates/kakumei/topic.php. The plugin instructions: suggest a good place for inserting that snippet of code. Right after <?php post_form(); ?> (line 45 in Kakumei topic.php template file.)

    Remember: Never touch core files.

    In reply to: Plugin alternatives?



    zaerl Editor just add a <a> tag which is the standard way of doing things (nothing more). It seems that bb-open_in_new_window just scan the DOM searching for a elements and append a _blank. So I don’t see a reason why it should not function with my plugin.

    Checkbox for e-mail subscription

    Here we have the trunk version of bbPress (1.1 or 1.0.3, we don’t know how to name it and this is a great problem, really) which introduce anonymous posting and subscribe to topics.

    If you want a plugin that transform links the way you want I can send you the version 0.2 of my plugin “zaerl URL preview” which I have not uploaded to for several reasons (here there is only 0.1).

    za AT



    It’s a known issue of deep integrating bbPress 1.0.2 with WordPress 3.0. One of mine plugins solve this:

    In reply to: Better Profiles….



    The best plugin for uploading avatars is bavatars:



    The micro-plugin (I have written for you) activate the s HTML tag (as you requested) <s>your text here</s> but zaerl Editor 0.3.2 does handle only standard tags plus the img tag as I said here:



    In bbPress if you put something between backtick it shows up in fixed-width, not-transformed style.

    And, for that matter, why isn’t this site using it? and bbPress in general uses the backtick notation. It’s hard to remove it. I have answered to a topic some times ago showing a little hack to erase it.

    So, is there a way to turn it on?

    Plugin Name: I love strike-through
    Plugin URI:
    Description: <s> tag
    Author: zeal
    Author URI:
    Version: trunk

    function strike_it($tags)
    $tags['s'] = array();
    return $tags;

    add_filter('bb_allowed_tags', 'strike_it');




    I have inserted the “code” button for the simple reason that the backtick character is difficult to be typed on a keyboard that isn’t the “standard” U.S. ASCII. This is true for the vast majority of the keyboard layouts worldwide.

    The only disappointment is that it doesn’t seem to understand strikethrough fonts.

    It doesn’t understand strikethrough cause that tag (the obsolete ‘s’) isn’t enabled by default on bbPress.

    I provide support for standard tags: strong, em, a, img, ul, ol, li, blockquote, code and the non standard img that is widely used.

    My plugin do not enable new tags (and implicitly new buttons) in current version 0.3.2 but it does in 0.4 (trunk). I have taken my position regarding the future of bbPress and so I will not upload new plugins and/or updates ( Anyway if you need the new zaerl Editor with custom buttons and other fancy features write me a couple of lines. za AT

    In reply to: Executing errors


    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born




    I have a question for official developers:

    Update and submit new plugins right now is a complete waste of time?

    and refueled:

    And to add to zaerls question: will creating/updating bbPress themes be a waste of time?

    I think that we deserve a direct answer. I have spent a lot of time and energy making plugins in the last 3 months (yes I am a newbie) and I want to know what to do in the near future.



    My plugin hide forums/topics/profiles/tags.



    You want to directly embed my code in your bbPress? I don’t think that it’s a wise choice. Anyway my plugin is GPL so you can do whatever you want with the code. Grab it and copy the code where you want.

    Keep in mind that my plugin can’t be used to hide the entire forum (it’s a design choice). I think that swirl is the best choice.

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born



    I have a question for official developers:

    Update and submit new plugins right now is a complete waste of time?



    If you use my plugin hide the forums against the “inactive” rule. Guests have that rule.

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born



    As a plugin author myself, the close second priority is having a clear resource for converting plugins.

    As a plugin author myself I think that ~100% of bbPress plugins stored here (those that are complex obviously) at will not work with the new incarnation of bbPress. But I really hope that history will prove me wrong and no, I’m not sarcastic.

    Anyway I accept your decision. It’s a pity for me cause a bulletin board plugin for WordPress is not what I need but it seems that I belong to a minority of people around the world.



    I think that a WYSIWYG editor isn’t a must-have feature in a bullettin board and I don’t see a lot of forums with this functionality (I follow ~30 bb daily.) I have implemented my editor for bbPress only cause it’s boring to write the “a” tag (and others). Quicktags (bbcode or html) are the way to go IMHO.




    that string is actually localized but it seems that you haven’t translated it. Check the .po at lines 3284 — 3322.



    Try again to contact him. I have a modified version of bbPM with 1), 2) and 3) but I don’t share it cause the nightgunner5 is active in this site.



    My plugin and Hidden Forums completely hide the forums. Once you hide a forum it doesn’t show anywhere. It’s invisible.



    I got warnings

    What warnings?



    Not tested.

    #post_content is #postform.



    Curtesy of the ajaxed-quote plugin:

    function replay_link() {
    if ( !bb_is_topic() ) return false;

    global $page, $topic, $bb_post;

    if ( !$topic || !topic_is_open( $bb_post-&gt;topic_id ) || !bb_is_user_logged_in() || !bb_current_user_can('write_posts') )
    return false;

    $post_id = get_post_id();

    $add = topic_pages_add();
    $last_page = get_page_number( $topic-&gt;topic_posts + $add );

    if ( $page == $last_page ) return '#post_content';
    } else return get_topic_link( 0, $last_page ) ) . '#postform&quot;;

    Not tested.

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