Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Logout in pagination in BB 1.4alpha6 and Wp.2.7.1
I soved the problem of logn request on paginated topics using the EWp plugin mentioned here:
I can’t understand why with normal integration the whole system didn’t work… but I have no time to investigate for a non payed task
The customer have the same problem of quote adn double-quote double escaping thamentioned in the same link…
This topic can be considered closed.
In reply to: Logout in pagination in BB 1.4alpha6 and Wp.2.7.1Amyone have am idea about this? Now the customer is telling me that some people can’t login anymore but i can login ena logout with no problem…
In reply to: bbPress.comopps maybe i’m wrogn with the name.. not freshpress… well Matt told me about it during WordCamp Milan 2 weekends ago but not sure about the name… but i’m sure there was something about on automattic blog or bbpress blog…
In reply to: bbPress 0.9.2 completely in italianGreat
In reply to: bbPress.comMatt’s had already the idea.. it will be called freshpress…
In reply to: bbPress 0.9.2 completely in italianI know.. the same that i did… but on WP SVN tags are update and all is correctly structured, it’s true that there is Nicolay that care for I18N etc quite all the time, here peopel are.. “multitasking”
Arturo would you like to collaborate to the upcoming site that is going to start in the next months or so? If so, mail me.
In reply to: bbPress 0.9.2 completely in italianAddendum: The SVN for .pot file is poorly updated, actually there is not the 0.9.2 tag yet. and trunk get updated usually only in a month or less. On WP SVN the pot generatios is fully automatic adn during beta and RC it’s updated more than one time per day during busy day.
Would be nice having this on bbPress too, I usully sync it_IT WP trunk to dev trunk once per week having every time few strings to update/translate, thats’ much better than having hundreds strings like in the last 0.9.2
In reply to: bbPress 0.9.2 completely in italianThe SVN repository is already managed by the WP localization team that do the same fot bbpress, cause I’m the one that havs commit access and i was in hospital i want’s ablet o upload the updated version that will be revised soon and committed to SVN.
on (in futuro as iI said to Matt during Milan WordCamp there will be a collaborative translation for all the automattic products.
In reply to: Can’t login after upgradeI upgraded a test site, after setting ne config it asked me to run upgrade, all works fine with this upgrade log:
Done removing key from bb_tagged: bb_upgrade_220
Added index bb_tagged UNIQUE KEY tag_user_topic (tag_id,user_id,topic_id)
Added index bb_users UNIQUE KEY user_nicename (user_nicename)
>>> Duplicate entry ” for key 4
Done re-parenting orphaned forums: bb_upgrade_1010
Done adding nice-names to existing users: bb_upgrade_1020
Done moving admin_email to from_email: bb_upgrade_1030
Done activating Akismet and Bozo plugins and converting active plugins to new convention on upgrade only: bb_upgrade_1040
Done updating active theme if present: bb_upgrade_1050
After this it asked me to go to admin but insted i got the front end forum and trying to login give me:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_set_password() in E:BTestbb-includespluggable.php on line 368
I repeated test again and another time o got unobale to get URI or something like that and other time same error as above.
In reply to: bbPress 0.9 release dateWOuld be nice if sometimes you bump the .pot SVN too, so we thta do translation can jump on it earlier before the release.
I did the same step but i can’t get it to work, and I’m sure i’m logged in as Admin cause i teste and i can change other admin status etc… but the menu doesn’t apper
In reply to: Language.pot file contains only the string that need translation (ie english), .po file is the translation file that contains original strings and translated ones, that is compiled to generated .mo file.
In reply to: LanguageIf some strings are not translated it’s cause they are missing to be included nto the internationalization functions, and this is a bug, You can open a ticket on trac about untraslated strings so they will be corrects annd included into pot. file.
For info about internationalizion and stuff you can refer to WordPress COdex searching for internationalizazion and localization, the info you will find there arcan be applied to bbpress also.
In reply to: POT file for bbPress 0.74Grazie tante
In reply to: POT file for bbPress 0.74Yes please add me for the it_IT translationon SVN so i will put there my translation files.
About the POT i checked a diff with the one i generated nd they looks the same then it’s all ok
In reply to: POT file for bbPress 0.74This means that we translators will soon have a branch for our locale also as in wp ?
In reply to: Plugin: Post NotificationYou can use an online feedaggregator (like the google’s one) and access it everywhere you are…. or use a simple USB key with stand alone programs.. for browsing mail feeed etc etc…
In reply to: comment quicktags 4 bbpress pluginI got back from hospital today… a couple of day and it will be ready and available i hope.
In reply to: Edit post unlimited minutes?well 10 years is enough time? Yes? Just give this parameter a value of 5.256.000 minutes…
In reply to: Theme designers: Use CSS classes, not IDs.I totally aggree with gnawph, the right use od IDs and classes is the one it explained, I on’t agree about havng different object with different purpose sharign a common class just cause they will look the same, they are different objext and then shoudl be identified by different ID, the child elemens, like row and cells, HAVE to be identified ausing class only cause they really look the same and they are more than one.
So +1 to the gnawph’s point of view
In reply to: Anonymous postIn forum I personally thingk that people have tobe responsible for what they write, with anonymous poster people cna swear and insult other or spam without any referencxe to who is the bad guy.
A simple workaround is to create an user named anonymous with password anonymous and write in the home page that you can post using this user… and after this.. happy moderation time guys
In reply to: comment quicktags 4 bbpress pluginYou right… 3 days ago i tested it and waswworking then i was not home and i think i uploaded the working version.. but looks like i had put a wrong one. Tomorrow if i will be able i will try to check it… sorry for the problem.
In reply to: Are there any localization files?Some of the thing you signaled are already solved in development release, go to download page to see how to get it.
In reply to: style-rtl.cssIs used in case of languages written right to left (arabic for example)
In reply to: multiple forumsTo add a forum to a bbpress installation you just need to go in the admin panel (` /bb-admin/ and add new forum using Content->Forum option under the admin menu… tha’s all.
Creating a new set of tables with a different prefix name will create a whole new FORUM withe it’s own forums inside… maybe the use of the same term made the misunderstanding… bbPress is a forum management system with a series of Forum inside it….