Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Open Links in new window
The target attribute is deprecated (for those who care), use this instead:
Plugin Name: Links in new window
//add onclick="; return false;" to post links
function bb_links _in_new_window( $text ) {
$text = preg_replace('|<a (.+?)>|i', '<a $1 onclick="; return false;">', $text);
return $text;
add_filter('pre_post', 'bb_links _in_new_window');
?>In reply to: Proposed method for file attachments and uploads@ _ck_
Which ticket was he hook request in. I’ll see if I can do something about it sooner rather than later.
I’m also happy to do a new release to get those changes more readily available for this plugin.
In reply to: slug permalinks can lead to db problemsI think, but I’m not sure, that a combination index of forum_id, topic_status and topic_sticky would be better to fix this…
What do you think?
In reply to: Error when deleting entire topic…I imagine you have this set in your bb-config.php:
define('BBDB_COLLATE', 'utf8_general_ci');
When it should be (in your case):
define('BBDB_COLLATE', 'latin1_swedish_ci');
In reply to: Go to last post in topic0.9.0.1 has a link to the most recent post off the “freshness” column in the topic lists. See how that’s done in Kakumei and adjust your template accordingly.
In reply to: Proposed method for file attachments and uploadsOh, and the file size may be limited by the memory limits in PHP that way too. Not the file upload size limits, but the memory allocation limits set in the PHP INI file.
This stuff will come out in the wash once it is released and in the hands of users though.
In reply to: Proposed method for file attachments and uploadsPiping things through PHP will be slower (but potentially more secure).
In reply to: email notification, but slow feed?Feeds access the database just the same as page views, so there should be no delay in new posts/topics showing up in the feeds from bbPress.
I don’t know how often RSS forward or similar services grab those feeds though.
In reply to: New user registration email missing recipient emailIt must be a plugin, that feature is not part of core.
In reply to: Proposed method for file attachments and uploads@ _ck_
I think all languages place the file extension on the right of the filename.
In reply to: wp 2.5 and 9.0.1 plugin questionsAvatar upload requires some editing of your templates to work properly AFAIK.
It also may not be compatible with bbPress 0.9 – but I’m not sure about that.
In reply to: slug permalinks can lead to db problemsDo you use mysql query cache? The query you are talking about would benefit from query caching as it is hit often.
In reply to: Dropping “MultiViews” support?This would not impact anything other than bbPress, it’s just a question of choosing one methodology to support pretty URLs.
MultiViews could still be enabled on the server, it’s just a question of whether bbPress uses it or not.
Mod_Rewrite is better for a couple of reasons. For a start it is better supported, and it is also a lot more flexible. We are thinking about running all requests through a single page (index.php) just like WordPress. This is called a front controller, and is not as easily achieved with MultiViews.
There is also the desire to reduce the amount of support traffic around this topic and standardising on one approach may help that.
In reply to: Proposed method for file attachments and uploadsIt was USD$50
I say just get it up to a usable state and out the door. Then we can all work on making it better over time.
In reply to: slug permalinks can lead to db problemsOn further consideration we won’t use unique keys for these (except the existing user_nicename key)
In reply to: slug permalinks can lead to db problemsSo how about the following?:
-> Add a unique key toforum_slug
-> Add a unique key totopic_slug
-> Already has a unique key onuser_nicename
-> Already has a key ontag
which should be changed to a unique keyIn reply to: slug permalinks can lead to db problemsIndexing of those slug columns should be possible and honestly has been an oversight.
We’ll work it into the next release.
It might be possible to write a plugin that forces indexes into those columns.
@ blackidlabs
I think a new release of WPMU is imminent. You might want to hold off until it is released, or you can simply follow the same integration steps as for WP2.3 (installing required compatibility plugins)
If you have any issues, then ask here.
In reply to: Proposed method for file attachments and uploadsI’m putting my money where my mouth is, and donated $50 to _ck_ towards the development of this plugin.
Thanks for starting this _ck_, it will be a welcome plugin addition.
In reply to: PRIORITY #1: ImageFile AttachmentsI’m sure that many people have fine justifications for wanting file attachments. It just seems to be coincidence that those people aren’t the ones capable of writing it. No one is telling anyone that their need for it is “wrong”.
Can I suggest that those who want it somehow co-ordinate their efforts and – rather than pointlessly bumping threads like this all the time – you all work out how you can get it happening in a constructive fashion. There are many competent plugin developers around, perhaps you can pool financial resources and hire one to write the plugin. Perhaps if you are in a University you can co-opt a student with the necessary skills to write the plugin for you in exchange for credit. I’m sure that together you work out a creative solution to your problem.
I would love to see this happen, but I don’t think it will be me who writes it. Dealing with file uploads in web apps is hard and boring for me. I spent about 5 years of my life doing it, so whilst I am probably well qualified to take it on, I don’t *want* to right now. It’s not about some geek elitism. Clearly my want is greater than your collective powers of persuasion at this time.
charlesstout’s topic on this issue has a much more positive spin to it, and you’ll notice that _ck_ has jumped in to get something rolling (which is lucky for you guys, she knows what she’s doing). I suggest that if _ck_ gets this happening you all go and drop some money in her donation account or at least send her a card.
In reply to: Dropping “MultiViews” support?I’m going to stick this to the front of the forums for a few days to get as much reaction as possible.
Try putting this in your bb-config, it should rename those bbPress cookies for you:
$bb->usercookie = 'wordpressuser';
$bb->passcookie = 'wordpresspass';.
You may also need to adjust the cookie domain and path, but try that first.
In reply to: Blocking registrations by emailAh, in that case all you need to put there is
without the asterisk or leading dot.In reply to: Blocking registrations by emailYou should make that:
It’s definitely the URL encoding causing the CURL issues.
I don’t know enough about the plugin to comment on it.