Forum Replies Created
Sorry for the late reply, I just approved your topic.
What I think is happening is somewhat bbPress default styles related and possibly the main font color in your theme. From what I can see you know have a plugin that adds custom styles for the bbPress theme (bbPress New UI), and it does help a little with the issue.
If you want contact me, and I can help you with most of the styling issues you are facing.
In reply to: Notification like facebookBuddyPress is a plugin that can add this type of feature, and many other features common in most social network forum platforms.
Do you have a backup saved before Sunday?? You can try restoring a backup you may have to see if it fixes the issues you are getting.
If not, I guess you can email me some login details for a subscriber/participant account so I could check the reply issue out.
In reply to: Registration problemThis could be your host adding an extra security layer to your website. You may need to contact their support team.
Following this guide could help too.
In reply to: Random UnsubscribeSome emails could be caught in a spam folder. so maybe try installing this plugin to fix that by not using bcc. Also this functionality might make it into core someday.
Also know that the subscribe turns into an unsubscribe link. If you are subscribed to the topic, it says Unsubscribe. If you are not subscribed to a topic, it says Subscribe.
In reply to: Displaying posts by calling more than one tagCreate a custom view instead.
Add this php code snippet into your functions.php file in your child theme or in a functionality plugin.
function rkk_register_custom_views() { bbp_register_view( 'viewid', __( 'View Name' ), array( 'topic-tag' => 'tag1, tag2' ) ); } add_action( 'bbp_register_views', 'rkk_register_custom_views' );
Then you can put this shortcode in a page.
[bbp-single-view id=”viewid”]
In reply to: User’s @hashtag like the forum here?Chrome on W10.
WIthout CSS
With CSS
In reply to: Use bbpress functions.php outside of bbpress?If it is there then that is when you are going to use bbPress hooks and filters. Since I see how you are doing it, only thing I can suggest possibly filtering the topic index shortcode, using a custom template for the layout, and just listing the last few replies right under. I am sure what you are doing is possible though. Try to learn the best you can from bbPress’s code and create the functionality you want.
In reply to: How do I support relative paths in topic posts?I think as far as wordpress can go is, but you have to create a custom folder in the uploads directory.
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/images/image.png" />
And possibly this if you have the images in your theme.
<img src="/wp-content/theme/images/image.png" />
You have to have all these images on your site for it to work.
It might be possible to change the image source, but it might depend on how you are sending this data to bbPress.
In reply to: Making Forum Width 100% in pointDownload this bbpress.php file and put it into a child theme and you would get full width forums.
In reply to: User’s @hashtag like the forum here?the Utah Utes forum link is not floated all the way to the left.
In reply to: Use bbpress functions.php outside of bbpress?Tell me exactly what you are trying to do. It kind of sounds like you just want to borrow code from bbPress and use it somewhere else.
Are you trying to create a function that is related to the bbPress plugin and other WordPress pages??
In reply to: Best Captcha for BBPress?It depends on what you are looking for. There are plugins for all types of different captchas.
Math Captcha
Honeypot (Hidden FIeld)
Questions on RegistrationThere are various other captchas that are there too.
If you are looking for a plugin that I think is the best out the types that I listed, pick one and I will recommend a plugin that I think is quite good to use in conjunction with bbPress.
In reply to: User’s @hashtag like the forum here?Oh yeah no problem.
Here is a couple things I found when visiting your site.
The first item in your forum index is a little off because of the bbPress breadcrumbs.
Adding this CSS will help.
div.bbp-breadcrumb { width: 100%; }
There is an issue with the Freshness column text not really displaying right.
#bbpress-forums p.bbp-topic-meta { text-align: inherit; }
In reply to: Setting up Login and Registration…1.
Would a user Login and Registration mechanism created by me for my WordPress site also work for the bbPress forum within that site?
Yes, bbPress is integrated with WordPress.
Would a participant-level user logged into my WordPress site be able to see the back-end?
Yes they can, but they usually can only edit their own profile. Moderators can moderate topics and replies in the backend too. Since their are different roles for WordPress and bbPress, you are able to have more flexibility with how you want to users to contribute to your site.
Can I restrict him only to viewing the front-end
You can disallow them from being in the backend by using a plugin like WP Admin No Show
Would plugins, like ‘Profile Builder‘, for simplifying the creation of WordPress Login and Registration mechanism also work for bbPress?
It should work fine with bbPress.
In reply to: Translate bbpressMight need some help from @netweb since he is part of the polyglots team. I am not that familiar with the translating process yet.
You may need to make a post on the polygots page to notify them that you have a bbPress project translation and where to submit the translations, I am sure they will be able to help.
You may be able to just contact your team here to see if they can also help you.
You may have to edit the translations here, and just wait for the team to approve the strings.
In reply to: Use bbpress functions.php outside of bbpress?It should just be like customizing the bbPress templates, placing it in your theme will replace the plugins bbpress-functions.php file.
In reply to: User’s @hashtag like the forum here?You need custom code. This is the custom code you will need to display it in your forums. Place it in your functions.php file, bbpress-functions.php file, or in a functionality plugin.
function rkk_mentionname_in_bbp() { $user = get_userdata( bbp_get_reply_author_id() ); if ( !empty( $user->user_nicename ) ) { $user_nicename = $user->user_nicename; echo "@".$user_nicename; } } add_action( 'bbp_theme_after_reply_author_details', 'rkk_mentionname_in_bbp' ); add_action( 'bbp_theme_after_topic_author_details', 'rkk_mentionname_in_bbp' );
In reply to: Bulk-move bbPress topicsThanks for sharing!!
This is exactly like what I said earlier. I will need to check this out and see if it needs more improvements in the code, and create a patch for bbPress if in the ticket.
In reply to: Help me grasp the bbPress flowEdit the forum and change the order.
In reply to: Use bbpress functions.php outside of bbpress?Inside bbpress/templates/default/bbpress-functions.php
yes that one.
You can place a copy of the file right into your child theme and customize it from there.
You can do the same thing for the other files in bbPress too.
In reply to: Make the forum pages full-widthWhy isn’t “hide sidebar” a standard option?
It is because all themes are different.
Post your theme name and maybe a the link to it. (hopefully it is a free theme)
Do not create a forum page as it will most likely only affect that one specific page and not the rest of the forum pages.
You can create a new topic and then I can help you one on one instead of bumping up this topic again.
Stick with purging the installation there, but it has worked for a user by just using sql code.
Go into a single forum by selecting a forum in the forum list in the left sidebar or go to this url and create a topic.
In reply to: How to disable Nonce checkDo you only get the logout confirmation nonce when bbPress is activated??
In reply to: internal server errorIt seems to me that when they were added (through the dashboard, not the forum) they were not liked by the server.
I couldn’t duplicate this issue you are getting by not assigning a reply a topic and forum.
You can try these steps listed in this guide to possibly resolve an internal server error.