Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robin-w


    interesting – yes that is not there in the front end

    If you have skills with accessing the database then you can easily change it there, let me know and I’ll give you some help.

    Otherwise come back with the numbers of the forums you want to change (you can see this in the url of the page when you edit a forum – eg

    is shown for forum number 2927

    so give me a list, and the user ID of the author you want to change them to, and I’ll give some some code



    thanks for posting your solution.

    you could do

    add_action('bbp_theme_before_topic_title', 'show_true_title');
    function show_true_title() { 
    $topic_id = bbp_get_topic_id();
      $true_title = '<li class="specstanza-title"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_post_meta( $topic_id, 'bbp_extra_field1', true); '</a></li>';
    echo $true_title ;

    and then in css do

    li.specstanza-title {
    color: blue;


    .specstanza-title {
    color: blue;


    .specstanza-title li {
    color: blue;

    one of those should let you style the title



    The problems with this are multiple. Emails to site go into a mailbox – emails and web are separate – eg you can host you email with a totally different supplier, so in essence there is no ‘web software’ to catch an incoming email. So firstly the mailbox would need to exist on a mail server somewhere.

    Next you’d need software on the email to look at all incoming, read the mail, work out if this is a reply, and to what message, check the sender’s mailbox to work out which user it is, and then get this software to send to another programme within the website, which can then create the reply.

    The ability for spam and people pretending to be a user are numerous.

    Github is created by very clever people, who have I presume done all this, but there would be a lot of code in many languages to achieve.

    If it is an issue, then I’d suggest you amend your sending email to omit the actual content – so something like – ‘a new reply has been received, click here to read’ so that people have to click the link and are on the site to see content to reply to.



    dashboard>users>edit user and you will find forum role near the bottom – set to ‘blocked’ to prevent access



    if you unapprove then they will be in ‘pending’ in the backend



    great – can you post your solution to help others

    In reply to: Close own forum topics



    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Topic/Reply Display>item 17 and 18



    bbp style pack

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>buttons



    so do you see the topic if you are not logged in, or not logged in as moderator/keymaster?

    Usually you would just/only see ‘unapprove’ if topics automatically publish (so you would not see ‘approve’)

    To see ‘approve’ usually you would have something set in

    dashboard>settings>discussion that holds topics to await approval

    or you mught have an additional bbpress related plugin that does this



    either use the settings in


    which lets you set say ‘before a comment appears’

    or use

    bbPress – Moderation Tools

    which though old still works fine



    ok so is this JUST on the search result page?



    there should be a topic form at the bottom if you are logged in (presuming you are only allowing logged in users to post)

    you can add a button using

    bbp style pack

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Buttons

    In reply to: Forum url changes



    great – glad we got there !!

    In reply to: Forum url changes



    ok you could also use a PHP variable rather than a wordpress function


    $current_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

    should give you the displayed URL in all cases.

    you can then do an ‘if’ test to see if you are in forums using say

    if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/qaforums/') == true ) …then you are in the forums



    This is an issue with the bbpress-notification plugin not bbpress, suggest you post to their support forum

    In reply to: Forum url changes



    ok, so this is the first time you have said that the get_permalink does not match the display.

    so for a forum as a specific example, please state

    the displayed url
    the get_page_link
    the get_permalink

    In reply to: Forum url changes



    sorry, I have given you some code which addresses, which does not seem to satisfy you.

    I am not quite sure why you think the plugin authors would want to make their plugin work for your exact circumstances, but if you want to post a defect then go here

    In reply to: Forum url changes



    what is the question ?

    In reply to: Forum url changes



    ok, not sure there’s much more I can do to help in that case 🙂

    In reply to: Forum url changes



    ok, I had understood that get_page_link() returned in all cases

    is this not correct?

    In reply to: Forum url changes



    would you like to post your current code?



    You can restrict who can see what by using

    Private groups



    Hello, I have a membership website, and in it a forum with bbpress.
    I use restrict content pro and to restrict the forum I installed the restric content pro-bbpress plugin.
    The following happens to me, apparently this plugin is abandoned and they do not make updates for a lot of time, or so the security of my website indicates.
    My question is which one can I change it for and have it integrated with restric content pro.

    My version of: wordpress is
    5.8 bbpress 2.6.6
    1.0.1 My
    site is
    Thank you for your attention Nuria

    In reply to: Forum url changes



    if get_page link returns :

    then you could just test for this eg

    if (get_page_link() == '')  {
    get_permalink etc.
    else {



    just answered you other post 🙂

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