Forum Replies Created
look at page source of this (your forum)
and search position-
all the post have position-0 that is the problem i got when using the old bbpress converter. ( check post_position table in bb_posts, all 0 or not )
and for forum_slug, active name based permalink in bbpress admin then check your forum thread, error or not. (if your post_slug is empty then all your post will 404 not found if you active name based permalink. not forum_slug)
post position still error check it with firefox, all post have position-0.
and can you check the post slug table in your db, empty or not ?
(need that for change permalink to apply nicer permalink)
check my little hack for that in
thx btw for your fix
In reply to: Facebook Integrationalready done with login without registration
In reply to: phpbb3 -> bbpress converterhmm you can copy the user db from phpbb to bbpress but your website user need to reset password because phpbb use md5 hash
In reply to: Public Forumdont use bb anonymous posting in
use bb anonymous from post meta plugin by ck, and for hold moderation use plugin from s010
you can edit the hold moderation to only hold when anonymous user post.
you can cek my site the bb anonymous work perfectly and hold moderation plugin
give me your email so i can contact you or yahoo messenger
In reply to: thumbnail for each threadlike that? the code take image from [img]tag so if you want to take image from <img you can edit the pregmatch
In reply to: Should I consider using bbPress?bbpress is not going die, open source file will never die.
well im happy to see more ppl use bbpress not because the wordpress stuff.
In reply to: Should I consider using bbPress?Varun have you ever contribute to this community ?
all you do is spam about your premium bbpress template, and in my opinion it was not even worth to spent $20.00 to buy your premium theme –“
like this ?
if you want i can share the Q&A function, i use best-answer and modified little
In reply to: Highlighting the current forum tabbefore the loop
$forumselect = get_forum_id();
and in the loop
<li class=”<?php if ( get_forum_id() == $forumselect ) : ?>selected<?php else: ?>forum_subforum<?php endif; ?>”>
In reply to: Forum Names immitate wp_list_pages()before the loop
$forumselect = get_forum_id();
and in the loop
<li class=”<?php if ( get_forum_id() == $forumselect ) : ?>selected<?php else: ?>forum_subforum<?php endif; ?>”>
In reply to: If forum is NOT categoryhmm maybe you can make a condition that check if there is no parent category in that forum (by depth). i think i have seen the code for your problem in this forum but i forgot to bookmark it
In reply to: bbPress loop helpmaybe this will help ?
In reply to: User Role Mapthere is no documentation of default roles, but if you want to add or edit roles you can use this plugin
In reply to: Page integrationno wait until matt make bbpress to wp plugin, but now you can use wp function in bbpress using this method
or other method in this forum, cek sub forum theme
In reply to: rss feed for topic first post (topic-post) only ?thx
In reply to: phpbb3 -> bbpress converterfix post position
function fix_post_position() {
global $bbdb;
$get_topics = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->topics ORDER BY topic_start_time ASC");
foreach( $get_topics as $get_topic ) {
$get_posttopic = $get_topic->topic_id;
$postorder = 1;
$get_posts = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->posts WHERE topic_id = '$get_posttopic' AND post_position = '1' ORDER BY post_time ASC");
foreach( $get_posts as $get_post ) {
echo "UPDATE bb_posts SET post_position = ";
echo $postorder++;
echo " WHERE topic_id = ";
echo $get_post->topic_id;
echo " AND post_id = ";
echo $get_post->post_id;
echo " ;";
echo '<br/>';
} }echo fix_post_position in your template file and copy the sql query to your database
In reply to: phpbb3 -> bbpress converterFix Topic Slug phpBB Convert bbPress
add this to function.php in your template file
function fix_topicslug() {
global $bbdb;
$get_topics = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->topics WHERE topic_slug='' ");
foreach( $get_topics as $get_topic ) {
$slug_fix = bb_slug_sanitize( wp_specialchars_decode($get_topic->topic_title));
$topic_id = $get_topic->topic_id;
$bbdb->query("UPDATE $bbdb->topics SET topic_slug= '$slug_fix' WHERE topic_id = '$topic_id' ;");
}and echo fix_topicslug in header. cek your database, and dont forget to remove the above code if you already finish.
my problem now the post_position is broken after convert to bbpress (all post is position 1) any fix ?
In reply to: bbPress as standalone project (as fork)i agree with jurasiks, bbpress should not be a wordpress plugin.
im thinking that future bbpress can be a new style of forum engine
in my head now i am think about “micro forum”
In reply to: Thesis integration?hmm i never use thesis but that link i gave you have tutorial about how to use wp function in bbpress so all you need to do is costumize little bit in bbpress header and footer template.
In reply to: Thesis integration?you can start by reading this topic i guess
In reply to: Anonymous posting and e-mail notifications 1.1?you can fix the plugin anonymous to make anonymous post sistem and anonymous post moderation
tested in my website and works with little fix
In reply to: Templates for 1.x ???
and others in google
In reply to: bb-attachments modified nice permalinkthis mod only edit the output result with new link but the old link still can be used. so i dont know about your error problem.
to Moderator : move this topic to plugin section >.<