POS2012 (@pos2012)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @pos2012


    I have chosen bbPress, and am very happy with that choice.

    It loads in half the time, is more easy to customize, and very easy to use.


    If you want a solution for PM, groups, activity feed (one or all), you can install BuddyPress (another WP plugin), and you have it all.

    I used gconverter.com to do the migrating, and that was a winner!



    IF you use bbPress 2.0 or newer, you can just install BuddyPress, and during the install you can tell BP that you have an existing forum. I did that, and BP + bbP integrated well.



    I had built my own theme, but when installing the BuddyPress I did choose to use the default BuddyPress theme.

    I will probably edit my theme to work with BuddyPress. It says that I can go through a step by step edit of my theme, so I will try that :-)

    Right now I am wrestling the fact that I can not get it into my language. Yet…



    Ok, I tested now on the test-server.

    Write my experience here for you who wonder yourself:

    I have Wp lasest installed

    I had installed and tested bbPress 2.1 the last week

    I now installed BuddyPress as a plugin and did the installation without activating the forum.

    Then did go back to the BP settings and activated site wide forums. Then voilá the forum was integrated part of BuddyPress.

    Way to go!

    I like :-)

    In reply to: Forum Title



    I have bbPress 2.1 and that shows just “Forums | My site name” for title.

    What version do you use?



    Is this a plugin I can test now, or “in the works”?


    In reply to: Registering new users



    Tested on WP lastest + bbPress 2.1

    I can verify that the plugin mentioned above works.

    In reply to: Registering new users



    May be you can use this plugin (have not tested it myself):




    It is the same as to register in WordPress.


    When registered in WP they can participate in the forum. At least my test forum works like that. :-)



    Any developer / code genius that would like to look at this?



    Ok, I had to install the very last WP.

    Now it works, but not with the embed code. I need to use the

    http:// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=(videoIDhere)

    That is the best also I recon :-)



    Have you done anything else than installing bbPress 2.1?

    Any configuration?

    I have tried to paste YouTube original URL and the short embed URL, but none of those are working. I’ll do some more testing with turning off different plugins to see if that affects it.

    Thanks for clearing it up :-)



    Just want to chime in again:

    In the WP database the table wp_users is where the registry date is. The column is user_registered and I probably need how I would like the date to show?

    I am no programmer, so just have a vague idea how to get the info:

    Probably get the user’s ID, then get the date from the table/ column and row, and then print it in a certain date output?



    Thank you for posting this :-)

    Added to my 2.1



    No problem :-)

    But again, YOUR question was regarding the http://de.forums.wordpress.com

    I am a fresh user of bbPress, but as far as I can see that forum us the “old” stand alone version of the bbPress. At least the code says so in the RSS generator:

    <!-- generator="bbPress/1.1-alpha-2539" -->`

    In that case I am not the one that can help. I don’t even know who is leading the bbPress project :-)

    Hope you get the help you need from others here!



    Ok, I have no idea about the bbPress.org and wp.com relationshop.

    However I believe that is the correct place to alter the RSS feed :-)

    Here is the code in syntax:

    // Display the feed
    header( 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ), true );
    header( 'Status: 200 OK' );
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ) . '"?' . '>'; ?>

    <rss version="2.0"

    <?php do_action( 'bbp_feed' ); ?>


    <title><?php bloginfo_rss( 'name' ); ?> » <?php _e( 'All Topics', 'bbpress' ); ?></title>
    <atom:link href="<?php self_link(); ?>" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
    <link><?php self_link(); ?></link>
    <description><?php //?></description>
    <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date( 'D, d M Y H:i:s O', '', false ); ?></pubDate>
    <generator>https://bbpress.org/?v=<?php bbp_version(); ?></generator>
    <language><?php echo get_option( 'rss_language' ); ?></language>

    <?php do_action( 'bbp_feed_head' ); ?>



    Can you tag a post when NOT replying to a topic or writing a new one?

    Here in bbPress.org I can (as logged in) tag topics I have not participated in. In this way I can make the forum even more cross-indexed etc.

    See the “tags” module to the left here :-)

    Can you do that in your bbPress 2.1 ?



    I found that if I go do wp-admin and then to Forum/Topics – and then click “Edit”, I’ll get access to add tags.

    Can I some how add this to the forum topic’s thread to add tags as I can do here at bbPress.org?

    This is the code there:

    I think this is the form start:

    <form name="post" action="post.php" method="post" id="post">

    Then comes this:

    <div class="tagsdiv" id="topic-tag">
    <div class="jaxtag">
    <div class="nojs-tags hide-if-js">
    <p>Add or remove tags</p>
    <textarea name="tax_input[topic-tag]" rows="3" cols="20" class="the-tags" id="tax-input-topic-tag" >my tag 1,my tag 2</textarea></div>
    <div class="ajaxtag hide-if-no-js">
    <label class="screen-reader-text" for="new-tag-topic-tag">Topic Tags</label>
    <div class="taghint">Add New Tag</div>
    <p><input type="text" id="new-tag-topic-tag" name="newtag[topic-tag]" class="newtag form-input-tip" size="16" autocomplete="off" value="" />
    <input type="button" class="button tagadd" value="Add tag" tabindex="3" /></p>
    <div class="tagchecklist"></div>

    A hidde field that probably is important:

    <input type='hidden' id='post_ID' name='post_ID' value='44' />

    Then the main post button:

    <div id="publishing-action">
    <img src="http://domain.com/wp-admin/images/wpspin_light.gif" class="ajax-loading" id="ajax-loading" alt="" />
    <input name="original_publish" type="hidden" id="original_publish" value="Update" />
    <input name="save" type="submit" class="button-primary" id="publish" tabindex="5" accesskey="p" value="Update" />

    Can I use this for anything?



    Hmm. If I have bbPress 2.1 installed, how do I then install BuddyPress to get PM? – Just install it as normal, and the bbPress and BuddyPress will automatically be merged?



    I have installed the latest 2.0 WP plugin, and there the feed shows a little different.

    I found this code in the bbp-topic-functions.php:

    (line 2994)


    <title><?php bloginfo_rss( ‘name’ ); ?> » <?php _e( ‘All Topics’, ‘bbpress’ ); ?></title>

    If you alter that you could probably get the RSS title to say whatever you’d like.

    I also found this:


    line 1372

    <title><?php bloginfo_rss(‘name’); echo $title; ?></title>

    I have ony 2 days of experience with bbPress, but this might help you…?



    I would suggest you talk to the people at http://gconverter.com/

    I will use these next week to migrate my Joomla + Kunena to WP + (most probably) bbPress.

    Price is $95 for forum to forum migrating usually.

    May I ask:

    I am looking at simple:press versus bbPress. So I am interested in: WHY would you like to go for bbPress over simple:press?



    Yes, I understand that the surrounding layout (WP theme) can be changed, but I would like a forum set up that is more like this one.

    So I am more thinking of the setup of the forum that is “rendered” inside the WP layout’s page.php.

    In reply to: bbPress Theming



    I am actually fresher than you as a bbPress user, but have pretty long experience with doing themeing.

    As far as I understand these are the parameters in which bbPress is themed:

    Your WP theme’s page.php is used to display the bbPress. So all layout surrounding the bbPress itself is done in the main theme of your WP site.


    there are many bbPress-templates too, and they are placed here:


    in a defaul install there is this theme: /bbp-twentyten/

    You’ll find it here:


    Inside this you’ll see files like:




    In these files you’ll see the setup for each single bbPress page layout as far as I understand it.

    Any bbPress users that can confirm this?

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