Null (@null)

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  • @null


    Added also as trac

    In reply to: bbPress 0.8.2



    – Fantasy mode on –

    How about an “upgrade me” button in the admin area?

    This button is only clickable when there is an upgrade. Clicking it will upgrade you bbpress (downloading and installing the nessecairy files) :)

    – Fantasy mode off –



    The TRAC version already uses jQuery.

    In reply to: Plugin: bbPortal 1.2



    Yeah, if you have WP installed go use it. If you don’t have it and want something izi, use this :D

    In reply to: Plugin: bbPortal 1.2



    YEah some dude fixed it, but never mailed me the solution :(

    In reply to: Include code in posts

    Well this doesn’t adress ads only, the question is more that the admin have more rights (like javascript/html entries) then ‘normal’ users.

    Can be done let me think…………….

    – You’ll have to enter some new tags in the plugin (allowed tags)

    – Then in the template files containing post fields, you could add the tags and make them visible for the admin only with something like: if user can edit;

    Now you can use javascript and other tags that you’ve entered and only the admin can see these links/buttons, but every1 can use them though :(

    So some filter should be added in view.php? like euuhh…

    If post is by admin, allow tags x,y,z else print as code...

    This way if a user tries to put in some javascript code it will be displayed as code and if the user is admin it will execute/display it.

    In theory :D

    I think that we also must take under consideration that the basic template (Kakumei) will be used as a starting point/ reverence. So “fixing” this in that template will be a good point to start with…

    internet frustration :D

    english plz?

    Like fckEditor…

    But to be honest, these scripts are too big for bbPress. bbPress only supports a blockquote br code em strong ul ol li and not colors, images, tables, font types etc.

    I am thinking of writing a wysiwyg editor that only supports these standard markups and when an extention/plugin is installed (smilies, images) it will support these too. And it will be skinable ofcourse to match the theme installed.

    But I am a busy man, so this will not happen anytime soon :(

    In reply to: Plugin: bbMenu 1.1

    @ box87, can you give me/sent me what you have changed and where? This error also seems to effect people that use php 5+, so if your changes fixes these errors, I realy would like to have them :D (mauricederegt[at]

    About adding menutabs (not pages); it will be in the next release. You can create new tabs in the admin area and drag&drop them around. Only downside is that the tabs won’t be highlighted when you are on the page where the new tab points too. This has to do with the bb_location and knowing-on-what-page-you-are issue (is_pagename) .

    It already is possible to automaticly add a menu tab to your list when activating a plugin that has a page on its own (like the memberlist plugin). But I need to do some more testing for this and documentation of how to do this will proberly be released when bbPress 1.0 (with plugin activation) is released (cause the way this works can be changed)…

    Also I am thinking of rewriting this plugin after the bbPress 1.0 release to use jQuery. 1.0 uses this libary, so why not make use of this and reduce the extra files needed to drag&drop the tabs around :D

    Well for now, send me your fix so I can put it in the next release. Big things are ahead!

    Nice, love the design, shame is already taken :(

    In reply to: How I change theme?

    You are no keymaster, login as keymaster and it will appear

    Click: (to front) in: [Stick topic (to front)] and not the [Stick topic…] part

    In reply to: Hooks & Filters Docu

    quote: How about ?

    I love it :D

    In reply to: Hooks & Filters Docu

    In reply to: Plugin: bbPortal 1.2

    I will take a look at it, fixen bbMenu has priority now…

    In reply to: Plugin: bbPortal 1.2


    you mean like a read more?


    will take a look at it

    In reply to: Hooks & Filters Docu

    Well lets start a wii thingy now with a list of:




    And with what they do/can be used for…?

    In reply to: Plugin: bbPortal 1.2

    2 Wittmania:


    2 Keith:

    Yeah, I already thought about that too. Still thinking of how to make this happen. It is on my to do list…

    2 Detrom and Maker:

    I think this is a php5+ issue. I will take a look at it. It would help if you could install the private messages plugin and tell me if that plugin runs ok. You can get it here:

    In reply to: Plugin: bbPortal 1.2

    Do you also run php 5? and/or mysql 4?

    and can you check if the bb_menu table is created in your db and if there is stuff in it?

    To be honest, I have realy NO idea why you guys have these errors or why they occurs. Since you both have the same problem with the same lines of code, I am guessing that OR i programmed something wrong (that can be, cause I really am a programming noob) or it is a php/msql version problem.

    Do you see the menu tabs in the admin area?

    If you dont realy need the menu part, but want to play/use the portal only, you can create a clean php file naming it bbmenu.php and put in a function called: get_bbmenu(). Just make sure this function does nothing at all. Upload it to your plugin directory and you can use the portal plugin. The portal plugin checks if this functions excist in order to continue, but in this stage it doesn’t realy need the bbmenu plugin yet (it is usable without it). Only thing is you won’t have a nice menu on your portal page then…

    In reply to: Plugin: bbPortal 1.2

    Perhaps cause it’s php 5? I dunno it seems to have problems with:

    $r = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM$bbdb->menuWHEREset= 'active' ORDER BYorder` ASC”);

    while($rw = mysql_fetch_array($r))`

    You can see the tabs in the admin erea? (is your bb_menu table filled?)


    perhaps add:

    global $bbdb; right above the code (above the $r) I showed… what happens then?

    In reply to: Hooks & Filters Docu

    Set it up sam!

    For now we need some stuff about:


    WP intergrating






    Did I forget something?

    In reply to: Hooks & Filters Docu

    It’s out of our hands, come sit with us, silent demonstration :D

    In reply to: Plugin: bbPortal 1.2

    Seems like a db connection problem to me…

    Dunno why this happens, what php/myql version do you run? Dp you have this with other plugins that requier the database?

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