Themes Community (@noerman)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @noerman


    I have version 2.0 but can’t for the life of me get my theme to be picked up. I have followed the guide here: as best I could but there are some things not well explained. This is what I have done so far:

    Great, you find that!

    1. Copied all the files from /bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten/ and placed into the root of my theme (wp-content/themes/mytheme/)

    Correct, beware of replacing files by accident. Usually you will have 2 file left style.css and functions.php

    2. Copied the .js and .css files from the /bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten/css/ and /bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten/js/ folders into the root of my theme (wp-content/themes/mytheme/)


    3. I also copied the content of style.css from the bbp-twenty-ten theme into my own css file, which also sits in wp-content/themes/mytheme/

    Yes, add it at the bottom of the file.

    4. I copied the entire contents of functions.php from the bbp-twenty-ten folder to my own theme functions.php, which also sits in the root of my theme folder.

    Don’t do that. Just add this to your functions.php file:

    add_theme_support( 'bbpress' );

    All that displays is the ‘Forums’ header but no content.

    You need to make some forum first withing WordPress admin dashboard then you will have some content when you display the forum itself..

    What am I doing wrong? Have I placed something wrong somewhere? Should I have copied the whole bbp-twentyten folder itself into the root of my theme folder? What is that first page that gets served up when hitting Is it page-front-forums.php and should that be sitting in the root of my theme as it is currently?

    I’m also confused my the functions.php where it says:

    // Setup the theme path

    $this->dir = $bbp->themes_dir . ‘/bbp-twentyten’;

    // Setup the theme URL

    $this->url = $bbp->themes_url . ‘/bbp-twentyten’;

    Following this, I’ve tried copying bbp-twentyten folder into the root of my theme, but still nothing.

    Yours, quite confused.

    Don’t do that. Skip this.

    After you do above that I recommend, tell me the result.



    Just maybe you need to consult to your webhost provider, they surely will assist you.

    Or try to edit and entry line by line until you find the problem maker.



    Ok, I try to help.

    You should read this

    Then if you still encounter problems, just reply again. I will be here.



    As my experiences, any forums or topics or replies not showing are due your WordPress custom theme options, specially options about number of posts displayed on archive pages.

    Try find it and change any number related to archive pages.



    I have the same problem too, I use premium theme from and after some test and try I found that I need to modify the ‘Number of Posts displayed on Archive pages’ within ePanel theme options.

    So if you use another theme (paid or free) and you encounter the same problem, just may be you need to change any number related to archive pages.

    Hope it helps.

    In reply to: Where is my Forum?



    How to access your forum? (please create some forums first)

    – After you installed bbPress, sitename.ext/forums/ will always display your forum site.

    – If you are not merge bbPress theme with WordPress theme, you can create a page and use shortcode [bbp-forum-index] to show the forum index/archive

    – If you are merge bbPress theme with WordPress theme, you can create a page and choose page template bbPress – Forums (index)

    and you will see your forum.




    I changed this in

    But I don’t use that theme. I use NO theme. So where do I remove the sidebars?

    Hi, AFAIK every bbPress usage always use ‘bbPress default theme’ located within …/wp-contentpluginsbbpressbbp-themesbbp-twentyten folder (except you integrated it with your WordPress theme or you are using custom theme already).

    So you are using ‘bbPress theme’ already and there are no sidebars within that default theme. Sidebars if from your WordPress theme, that you should edit.

    Things looks okey so far! Now I want to remove the sidebars from the forum (not the page, I know how to do that) and I have read a couple of tutorials but still don’t get it.

    Some theme have page template to display ‘full width page’, you must choose it. If your theme don’t have it try create it.

    Here are sample of page using shortcode [bbp-forum-index]


    I’m newbie too!

    In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – FAQ



    Great link BJ, thanks!

    I also waiting for the upcoming codex by JJJ.

    I have manage to administrate a bbPress forum at , but still lots of question in minds. I will compile it first then ask at ones.

    In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – FAQ



    Great link BJ, thanks!

    I also waiting for the upcoming codex by JJJ.

    I have manage to administrate a bbPress forum at , but still lots of question in minds. I will compile it first then ask at ones.



    Hi, I’m new member here. It took me long time to start believe and use bbPress since it kind lack of features before bbPress 2.0

    Now using bbPress 2.0, I develop (still locally) a forum site that turn out to be wonderful. Can’t wait to upload it into real site.

    I’m using elegantthemes Premium WP theme and finally able to merge it with bbPress theme smoothly. I can’t believe how much power I have now after merge theme together, but I still trying to make it just like an ordinary forum site.

    I willing to share my experiences next time, but I do need this account related shortcodes and found it here, Big Thanks!

    I still have question about roles, how I can set specific forum moderator? or just maybe forum role manual in general will be great.

    I notes most plugin were outdated, can we force them to update it? I know that a silly question, but it a wish (our wish actually).

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