Mycelus (@mycelus)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @mycelus


    Mm I see 🙁

    So once I change this, every user on the site will see the TinyMCE editor correct?



    May I ask why the issue that’s causing it is still persistent if it’s been known for so long?

    I would imagine it’s a small bug?



    I’m looking for one that would enable the full editor to all users, any recommendations?



    I just published this but it says it’s 1 year old /:??



    Nope, it remained the same, and btw, I’d be more than happy to beta test. I finished the HTML and CSS courses on Codecademy and am moving onto PHP. I won’t be able to help code really, but I can definitely test and report bugs.



    So Stephas are you also a contributor to this starter theme?

    Also, is there any guide on what to style and stuff? I really love the layout, real similar to IP Board, although I noticed topics and replies are not lined up right, the alignment is centered:



    “And I agree, this is not because YOU don’t like bbpress the way it is, that EVERYONE do, it is not true. Some people like it this way because it is simple.”

    what? you agree with what? that sentence made no sense to me.

    Im in the process of getting my subdomain set up with my host. Waiting on them to try the starter pack.



    I have looked through both pages you listed multiple times. They show you simple things like turning things on/off, or changing how it displays. It doesn’t actually look any better.

    I’m not hurling abuse, Im just sick of hearing “this is how bbPress” is.

    Im saying, bbPress’ structure makes no sense. Just because it’s free, doesn’t mean it’s ok for the structure to look god awful. It’s fantastic software, it just needs restructuring, you can see this by all the people here and around the web that are trying to figure out how to make it look right.



    I don’t CARE if bbPress is “made the WordPress way.”

    bbPress is awesome, but the way it has been structured makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE.

    You guys are missing CRITICAL forum features such as quoting, multi-quoting, signatures, and more, and NO plugins should not be filling this stuff in, the point is to integrate these necessary features into the software.

    There is ONE plugin for quoting and it SUCKS, it literally sticks the post under a LINE, not in a nice blockquote separated like ANY other forum software would.

    You guys have a bar that says “Forum”. What the HELL is that supposed to show the user??????????????? That’s where the category label would go, on any forums, there’s a reason all other forums do that. Do you see car manufacturers making 3 wheel cars because that’s “their way”? There’s a way to do things right. Making a stupid structure is not how you do things “your way.”

    Everyone I have spoken to agrees with me. The forums on bbPress and WordPress sites for support are a freaking headache. You guys have everything just cluttered up to the right side, it’s such an eye sore even writing this post is giving me a headache.

    Don’t tell me “it’s the WordPress way.” So sick of hearing that. People here have made it clear that the format for bbPress’ structure SUCKS. You guys cram every forum side to side inline, why?? WHY?

    I am disagreeing with the “WordPress” way, and trying to figure out how to legitimately get this to be noted. I’ve posted it in bbPress Trac and it’s been just looked over.



    Uhh I still don’t see any forums on this website…



    @iso, would you mind contacting me via my site’s contact form? I really need help getting the forums to look like OP’s ^

    my site is



    There you go.



    Anyone wanna help?



    Your link that is supposed to display what this looks like doesn’t work in your original post.



    While I appreciate your work, this is not a viable solution.

    The fact that bbPress comes out of the box with a box that says “forum” makes no sense.

    Any forums I’ve seen (IPB, XenForo, phpBB, etc etc etc) have boxes for each category, and then the forum names, not a box that says forum, then the categories, then the forums underneath, bbPress’ layout makes no sense and I am not looking to download a child theme and then have to customize it because I don’t currently possess enough CSS and WordPress knowledge to do so.

    I am learning, Im not sitting around or anything, but bbPress should look like the other forum layouts because it’s current layout makes 0 sense.

    Are there any repositories with some example images of how to go about styling bbPress? I don’t know if it’s just me but bbPress has been around for years if I’m not mistaken and there’s a surprising lack of documentation on it for how popular it is.



    This is what quotes look like:

    Here’s what a blockquote should actually look like:

    Also, multi-quote feature is non-existent.



    Ok, the problem is, these features should be integrated into bbPress by default, all forum software has this, and the plugins for quoting for example don’t work like it should, and signature plugins are also outdated and not the best.

    EDIT: Didn’t see two posts above, editing post…



    Thank you, will check this out.



    I could swear I’ve seen a plugin for bbPress where you can manually order the forums and categories…



    Ok but I don’t understand, bbPress has been around for years, it is extremely popular, NO ONE has made a plugin for this so far??? That’s all Im looking for.



    Sure, it’s just I don’t know any coding languages unfortunately, but I’m good with it once I get a hold of it, just never actually got one down.

    I would like to separate mine like that, I just don’t wanna break my theme’s layout.



    Im sorry but none of what you wrote has helped me at all.

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