Mike Witt (@mike80222)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: identify user with @



    @carasse64, I use bbPress with BuddyPress too and I have never seen @name “completion” on my site. I don’t think it’s actually a feature of BuddyPress (or the bbPress/Buddypress combination), although I’ve seen it on some other types of forums. So I would not expect to see that list. Of course I could be wrong.

    (Sorry to continue the BP discussion here πŸ™‚

    In reply to: Email change



    @deepblue5, is this a BuddyPress profile?

    In reply to: User Profile 404 Error



    Hi @lcmweb,

    I’m running memberpress / buddypress / bbpress. My member profiles are handled by buddypress. Is that your situation?

    It sounds like (maybe) your memberpress rules are not giving members access to the profiles. I’m no expert on this, but if you can provide some more details, I’ll be happy to share any ideas I can come up with.





    I may misunderstand what you’re asking. But assuming you’re enabling the WP visual editor by doing something like this:

    function bbp_enable_visual_editor( $args = array() ) {
        $args['tinymce'] = true;
        return $args;
    add_filter('bbp_after_get_the_content_parse_args', 'bbp_enable_visual_editor');

    I used to do that, but new WP releases seemed to break it in various ways. And there were other problems primarily with mobile devices. I decided it wasn’t worth the trouble and got rid of it.

    Just sharing my experience. Your milage may vary πŸ™‚

    In reply to: Change nickname



    @robin-w, I think bbPress does just what you’re saying. But (if I understand things correctly) BuddyPress will change the WP “display name” (and/or “nickname” ???) when you update your name in the BP profile — If “synching” is on. I use BP, but I actually have synching OFF, so I’m not all that familiar with the details.

    BTW, the same goes for email. You can change that in the BP profile too, and (if allowed) it updates it in WordPress.

    In reply to: Change nickname



    > I am using BuddyPress and tried your suggestion but it didn’t change anything


    Did you do a buddypress profile name update after checking profile syncing?
    Checking that won’t affect changes that have already been done.

    If you don’t need to change it through the buddypress profile, the there’s that plugin Robin suggested, or you could change in the WordPress user fields.

    If buddypress is essential to what you’re doing, there is also a buddypress forum:


    And also these guys, who seem so provide more answers than the official forum (they have a “paid” category but they answer question even if you don’t pay):


    In reply to: Change nickname



    Is this a BuddyPress profile that you’re talking about? If so, do you have the Buddypress option “Enable BuddyPress to WordPress profile syncing” checked?

    If you’re using buddypress, checking that will sync the WP profile changes with buddypress. Be aware that this may have other consequences than just changing the display name, and I’m not sure what all of them are πŸ™‚





    If you’ve got a Captcha plug in, I don’t think wordfence will help any further with spam sign-ups (although it would certainly help with other types of hacking attempts, if you don’t already have any kind of firewall).

    Wordfence Security – Firewall & Malware Scan

    They also have some pretty cool security tutorials, if you poke around on the wordpress.com site.



    I’m not certain, but I think that something like Wordfence might help with this. I’m running it on three different sites. None of them use bbPress registration, but two of them have MemberPress registrations, which are vulnerable to the same problem. Wordfence doesn’t exactly address this problem directly, but they do apparently keep a huge list of compromised and other suspicious sites, which get blocked.

    Again, I don’t have any direct experience with bbPress registrations, but this has really helped me with various kinds of spam logins, comments, and other problems.

    Just a possibility.




    … and anyone who happens to look at this and is running MemberPress.

    Yes, there is more to do with MP. MP Members may or may not have actual “Subscriptions.” They can also just have memberships without what MP calls subscriptions. These membership can go “inactive.” But, unfortunately, that can happen *temporarily* if their credit card needs to be updated.

    None-the-less, your code examples are quite valuable!

    In the unlikely event that anyone else here is running MP and is interested in this, please chime in here (or otherwise contact me). I would love to compare notes on this and related things.





    There’s a similar conversation going on here that you might be interested in:

    Expired member still getting subscription notifications



    > I don’t see how to unsubscribe them from notifications via the admin console

    I think the page I’m going to, in order to unsubscribe them, is created by BuddyPress.
    I bet Robin will come up with something good!



    For what it’s worth, I’m using MemberPress and I have to unsubscribe people from bbPress (and BuddyPress) notifications by hand when they leave. I would love to come up with a better scheme!



    @deborahdavidson, This is probably not a bbPress issue. We have the same problem, particularly with iPhones. It tends to show up on forums posts and things like memberpress signups. I know of one particular iPhone issue that *sometimes* causes this, if you want more info on that.

    In reply to: New posts freezing




    > I’m trying to find time to think about this

    I wouldn’t put any more effort into it if no one else is seeing it. As I say, I’m not updating WP anyway.

    > Enable jQuery Migrate Helper

    I could be wrong, but I think the text editing bug is a separate thing and unique to 5.6.1.

    > bbpress only has a text editor as standard in front end

    This is how I’m enabling what I was calling the “visual” editor:

    function bbp_enable_visual_editor( $args = array() ) {
    $args[‘tinymce’] = true;
    return $args;
    add_filter(‘bbp_after_get_the_content_parse_args’, ‘bbp_enable_visual_editor’);

    It’s quite possible that I’m doing something I don’t realize. As I say, I think by now there would be numerous reports if this was a general problem.

    In reply to: New posts freezing



    Hi @robin-w,

    Just bbPress. It’s my MemberPress, bbPress, BuddyPress “test site.” We generally don’t upgrade anything until testing it here first. I’m not upgrading WordPress on our real sites because of the editing bug. I do everything in text mode!

    If seems like (with WP 5.6.1) when you start editing a post in text mode, there’s no echo. If you switch to visual, the text is there. Some other weird thing seem to happen, but those are hard to pin down.

    AFAICT I don’t have any other plugins that should be involved.

    NOTE: FOR ME THIS ONLY HAPPENS ON MOBILE DEVICES, but I don’t really know if it’s mobile vs desktop or one browser vs another. I’ve read that the basic WP bug is browser dependent.

    From my perspective, it’s just one of the reasons that I’m not updating WP, so it’s not big deal in itself, but I am curious that (if I’m really seeing what I think I am) that it’s not been reported more!

    In reply to: New posts freezing



    If they are using WP 5.6.1 and posting in text mode, I wonder if it could be the same thing I’m seeing here:

    WordPress 5.6.1 bug affects forum text editing mode?



    @multitalentedmommy – Hi Cathy, what sort of MP rules are you using? Is that working for you?

    I’m also curious: What do you do with bbpress topic subscriptions for former members who have cancelled?

    There are actually a number of items that I’d like to compare notes on, involving the combination of MP and bbPress πŸ™‚



    The technique that Robin is recommending works for me, with the caveat that if you happen to be using memberpress and BuddyPress also, you may run into some other issues. If that happens to be the case, please post again.



    I’d be interested in finding out about this too. I’m suddenly getting “warnings” from google search console (apparently) based on new “mobile first” … stuff. I’m sure there are a lot of factors, and right now I don’t really know what any of the are πŸ™‚



    You can go to the WordPress Settings -> Discussion: Moderation, and increase the number of links allowed before a topic goes into moderation. I believe the fact that you are not being informed is a bug. Someone who knows more about this will probably chime in at some point.



    That’s interesting. I don’t *think* this is the problem that we’ve been having. The reports I get are more along the lines of “I submitted a post and the site never came back” / “the site won’t respond” / “the page froze up” – these are almost exclusively iPhone/iPad users and they mostly *claim* that the problem only happens with our site.

    Things (mostly) clear up if I can get them to power cycle their phone, but it doesn’t exactly create good will towards our site to make them do that. I wish I had some clue what this is about. But I guess it’s not related to what you’re seeing here.



    I am curious to hear more about the iPhone issue. We have ongoing problems that *appear* to be related to iPhones on both of our WP sites. And the problems are not just related to bbPress. People have trouble posting on forums, but they also have trouble signing up to the site (through MemberPress) and sometimes simply viewing blog posts.

    I don’t personally have any Apple devices, and these problems are a mystery to me. So if there’s any more information available, I’d love to hear it.



    One more thing I just thought of. Watch out for bbpress.min.css (and any other “min” files when overriding both css and javascript). These min files are compressed versions of the regular css and js files. So bbpress.min.css will will be used in preference to bbpress.css. If you want to override things without disturbing any of the files in the plugin, you’ll need to first edit bbpress.css and then generate bbpress.min.css from that. There are various tools to do this, but I only know about the ones on Linux.

    As I say, if you don’t want to do any of this, there are plugins that may do the job. I think Robin makes one.



    I am not an expert on this, but what I do it to make a css subdirectory in my child theme. In that directory, css files should override the css in plugins (if they provide for the possibility of overrides, which bbPress does).

    There are more details here: https://codex.bbpress.org/step-by-step-guide-to-setting-up-a-bbpress-forum-part-2

    And here: https://codex.bbpress.org/bbpress-styling-crib/

    And there are also some plugins that can do these things for you.

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