Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Twenty Ten for bbPress: Feedback
I quite like this – very simple; also following the Vanilla 2 forum style.
The thing I like about your themes is that they’re easy to modify; which is evidently why they are popular (if I’m not mistaken).
Great work refueled.
In reply to: New Vanilla 2 Inspired themeI see it’s now using Vanilla – not liking bbPress Checkfront?
In reply to: Preferred development tools?Programmers Notepad and Filezilla. Smoothest operation that way – at least the way I see it.
Then I use InDesign and Photoshop for images.
Not much on the process flow side – guess I’d use Visio (or stick to good ol’ pen and paper) .
In reply to: Welcome Note should be hide after loginNote: Micheal is not willing to solve any issue of bbpress.
I hate to bring this up – but I simply cannot ignore this. Pagal, please do not spread false information. I simply stated that I’m unable to get access to my server at the moment, for various reasons. So not willing is a false reproduction of the truth.
Like I have said before, as soon as I have access to it again, I will show you the different means and ways of customizing your front page.
Take care
In reply to: BuddyPress Default Theme for bbPress?There is this one:
Not sure which version of BuddyPress it originates from, however.
In reply to: Smiley`s and picturesI have also released a new smiley pack for bb-smilies, you might find it quite useful.
In reply to: New Vanilla 2 Inspired themeI like it too – I would love it if you could share it; even if it’s just a skeleton that others can work with (as I understand this theme has been mostly customized for CheckFront, though I may be wrong).
Wonderful work.
In reply to: Sneak peek at 2.0@josh16 – You may find that the theme will be released uner GPL after the launch – though there is no guarantee.
In reply to: Sneak peek at 2.0@Shagalaga – That has already been mentioned in this post.
@Sam – Nice to see you’re still checking bbPress updates.
In reply to: Plugin UpgradesThe way I see it: The new version of bbPress will have cleaner plugins – I’m sure most of them will (over time) be re-written to suit the needs of the new package.
In my opinion, there are some essential plugins that have to work in the new version. I’m sure there are plenty of plugins that will work for bbPress 1.1, but maybe not 1.2, 1.5, and 2 as the infrastructure my change.
But then again, who am I to say that – it’s just an assumption.
In reply to: Keeping spam out of forumsAbsolutely. Now, if you want to avoid spam users from even registering, then you might want to install Project Honey Pot as well. Has worked brilliantly for me.
In reply to: Keeping spam out of forumsAkismet is really good. I can’t say I know just how good because I’ve never had spam.
I also use Project Honey Pot which checks the respective website for actve spam IP addresses.
With both of those, you’re sorted.
In reply to: Misty Morning ThemeIt’s really great to see that people are working on bbPress themes.
In reply to: Misty Morning ThemeDamn, looks like it doesn’t exist anymore. Maybe someone still has it.
Sorry I couldn’t help.
In reply to: Misty Morning ThemeSorry, my bad. That’s the WordPress theme. I will try find it for you now.
In reply to: Misty Morning Theme
Google is your friend.
In reply to: New: Smilie Pack for 'bbPress Smilies'I found the smilies here:
They seem to be a remake of the default WordPress ones – the others were just from all over the web. I plan to make my own set one day, once I have more experience in Icon Design.
Glad you like the compilation.
In reply to: New: Smilie Pack for 'bbPress Smilies'You’re welcome.
In reply to: First site using BBpress and WordPressYou’ve done a decent job with creating the bbPress theme to match your WordPress theme – now you should take a browse through the plugin gallery and make it look better.
I highly recommend bbCumulus, bbPress Topic Icons, Allow Images, Project Honey Pot (for Spam protection), and MyViews. Someone might highlight some other important ones – those are all I can think of at the moment.
In reply to: @ links (mentions)There is no absolute solution for the space problem. Already, almost all sites don’t accept it (space in username), so almost all the people on net prefer taking usernames without spaces. Even if I put the code to match the spaces, then it might overload the server with so many requests.
Update: I don’t prefer exploding the text with @ and space, that would have a huge long process…
There is no necessity for spaces.
+1. Most people don’t do it anyway. They think,”username” and then automatically assume that there should be no spaces. As small as my forum is, there are no members that have spaces in their usernames (except me, however I changed it to use my display name).
Now, is the process for finding spaces really that long, or long enough to make the server load heavy?
In reply to: @ links (mentions)Gautam, this looks great. Can’t wait to try it out.
That can’t be helped. The plugin first checks if that username exists, if not, then checks if that nicename exists. This will be also mentioned on the plugin page.
Is there no way to test as far as three spaces in (until it finds a username)?
In reply to: @ links (mentions)Nice
In reply to: @ links (mentions)Great – thanks Gautam. Looking forward to it.
(Are you maybe calling it bbMentions?
In reply to: @ links (mentions)@kevinjohngallagher – I see. I did think of that, but I didn’t realize how neccesary it is. Seems it could work.
@Gautam – Thanks – will it be the same as the one found on Twitter/Vanilla, and maybe with Kevin’s suggestion?
In reply to: @ links (mentions)Right, I have looked at the Easy Twitter Links plugin, but I’m not sure how to alter it to run through the post. I’d probably have some idea if I managed to find the code BuddyPress uses. I wish I could grep the folder, but I don’t have Linux…