Forum Replies Created
In reply to: How Do You Know if Akismet Is Working?
If you have an “Akismet Spam” tab under pour bbPress’ “Content” admin panel and there’s no little error message there, it should be working.
In reply to: 0.74Things have been slower than anticipated.
There won’t be any huge new features like real theme switching.
In reply to: bbPress integrationThe user authentication stuff is all pluggable (check out bb-includes/pluggable.php: you can override any of those functions with a plugin).
There’s some more discussion about this sort of thing here:
In reply to: login problem once againIn bbPress1 config.php, can you put the following line near the top:
$bb->debug = 1;
Then go try to register a new user and see if the urls listed at the top of each page view are the same (if they are not, something is wrong).
I don’t think this will give us any useful information, actually, but it’s a place to start.
In reply to: User table abstracted in future versions?User authentication should be fully pluggable. All authentication is done by functions in bb-includes/pluggable.php which can all be overridden by a plugin.
The only thing you have to worry about is giving the $bb_current_user a few properties (such as ID) since bbPress looks at those directly in many places (it should be better abstracted).
You’ll definitely want to write some custom authentication functions that work of your current database.
Grabbing user data from a custom database may a little more tricky as you imply since bbPress might not have all the hooks you’d need for convenient JOINs and things. (You might try and see how little you really need to do.)
At the moment, the best option (off the top of my head) is probably to write a custom database class (of which $bbdb is an instantiation), to modify bbPress’ queries on the fly.
That is not ideal, I understand.
We’re certainly interested in making things easier. I’d love to hear suggestions or ideas. You should sign up on our development email list!
In reply to: Plugins for WordPress integrationAn interesting situation
I’ll look into it.
Thanks for bring it up!
In reply to: Creating a bbPress sticky?When logged in as an admin, go to the topic in question, scroll down to the bottom and click “Stick topic”. At least, that’s where it is in the default theme.
In reply to: different bbpress install, 1 user dbThe cookie thing I described only means that they won’t have to type their password in twice. If the browse to forum 1 and login and then browse to forum 2, they won’t have to type in their password again.
bbPress does not track who is currently logged in (unless you have some plugin that does this), so I’m not sure how to respond.
In reply to: login problem once againDo you have any plugins installed?
EDIT: I tried registering on your site, but couldn’t. Can you check your database and see if there is a user called “mdawaffe”?
In reply to: Dropdown menu listing & Integration with WordPress?If you have things set up right, it should ask you to put in the user name of your WordPress account rather than asking for all that other stuff.
What does your $bb->wp_table_prefix setting look like?
It should look like
$bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';
(or whatever the actual prefx is).The “Forum Name” can be anything you want. For example, one of the forum names on this site is “Installation”.
In reply to: different bbpress install, 1 user dbLet’s say your first bbPress has a table prefix (set in config.php) “bb_”.
Install your second bbPress into another directory. In it’s config.php file, make sure and set it’s table prefix to “bb2_”.
Directly under the table prefix line, add the following line:
define('CUSTOM_USER_TABLE', 'bb_users');
That tells the bb2_ bbPress to look for users in the bb_ bbPress’ user table.
Now a new user has accounts in both bbPress installs, but the two installs do not share login cookies; the user has to log in separately to each install. To make it so that when a user is logged in to one forum, that user is also logged into the other, you will probably have to add the following line to both config.php files:
$bb->cookiepath = '/';
An admin in one bbPress will not be an admin the other bbPress.
Blocking a user will block them everywhere. Instead of blocking a user, you could make their User Type “Inactive” in one of your bbPress installs by editing their profile. Then they won’t be able to do anything but look around on the one bbPress install, but can still be full members on the other.
In reply to: Login Username & password issue?bbpress-integration.php should add a “bbPress” tab in your WordPress admin under the Plugins tab.
Go to the bbPress tab. Did you fill in your bbPress table prefix?
The way this all should work is:
A new user registers on bbPress. The first time that new user browses to WordPress, he or she is added to the member list (prior to then, that new user is listed under “No Role for this Blog”).
The same should hold if you swap “bbPress” and “WordPress” in the above paragraph.
What are your $bb->wp_home and $bb->wp_siteurl settings in bbPress’ config.php?
In reply to: No Site KeymastersColdCN,
what version of bbPress are you using?
In reply to: Alternate Post BackgroundsIf you look at the default topic template (
), you will see<li id="post-<?php post_id(); ?>"<?php alt_class('post', $del_class); ?>>
function gives every otherli
element aclass="alt"
.So if you use that function in your topic template, you can put something like
.alt { background-color: red }
in your CSS file.
In reply to: login problem once againWhat are your $bb->domain and $bb->path settings (found in bbPress’ config.php file)?
In reply to: deleting posts in FirefoxWhat version of bbPress are you each using?
In reply to: Dropdown menu listing & Integration with WordPress?bbPress no longer uses the dropdown menu (what if your blog had thousands of users on it? It’d be really hard to find you!).
Instead, you should be able to enter your WordPress account’s login name into the form as you install bbPress.
But, there is a problem with your config.php
The values for $bb->akismet_key, $bb->wp_table_prefix, $bb->wp_home, and $bb->wp_siteurl should all be contained in single quotes (
) like$bb->wp_home = '';
EDIT: I removed some potentially sensitive information from your post above.
In reply to: Allowed tagsBackticks are for code that you want to display “raw”.
If you want to actually have the link be a link, don’t use backticks.
In reply to: Cannot modfy headers errorIt’s probably a “white space” issue.
Make sure there are no spaces or tabs or new lines or anything before the
or after the?>
in bbPress’ config.php file.In reply to: how the bbpress’s front page controller works?ear1grey,
Actually MultiViews looks for topic.php if it hasn’t found topic/, but otherwise you’re spot on.
You can also use RewriteRules which forces the server to do the same thing ‘manually’.
When you request that URL, Apache’s MultiViews or RewriteRules (whichever you are using) loads topic.php. That file then prepares a bunch of data and displays it with my-templates/topic.php (If that file exists) or bb-templates/topic.php (otherwise).
If you are familiar with the way WordPress works, it may not help much
This is one area where WordPress and bbPress are quite different.
In reply to: ah!!!!!! can not log in!!!!!ColdCN, that’s strange.
Does the information here help?
In reply to: checking a email address comes from a domainYou can hook into the
hook (see bb-includes/register.php: bb_new_user() ), but by the time that hook is fired, the user is already in the database, and the new user has been sent an email.In the next version of bbPress, you’ll be able to hook into bb_verify_email(). (
In reply to: Edit post unlimited minutes?The following plugin should work, but I have not tested it.
Plugin Name: Ignore Edit Lock
Plugin URI:
function members_ignore_edit_lock() {
global $bb_roles;
$bb_roles->role_objects['member']->add_cap( 'ignore_edit_lock', true );
add_action( 'bb_got_roles', 'members_ignore_edit_lock' );
Save that bit of code as members-ignore-edit-lock and put it in bbPress’ my-plugins/ directory.
In reply to: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class streamreaderWhat version of bbPress are you using?
In reply to: User management, WP and BBPberg80, thanks for the info. The documentation has been updated: