Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Updated to 2.1
Sweet, very snazzy looking. Glad to see finally using the plugin!
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – UpdatesI have been testing the bbPress Plugin on Windows, well I was up until about a month ago when I hit a few PC problems, but like JJJ said … much has changed since then!
In reply to: Forum ModerationWe’ve been UGGed!
In reply to: Forum ModerationWe’ve been UGGed!
In reply to: bbPress Plugin – bbp-twentyten themeAs a sidenote to the original topic! …
Rich Pedley: @Mark – test again
Thanks for that Rich, you can see I’m having a little nose around, and thanks for the offer Gautam — Even started talking to myself, and trying out other stuff too!
In reply to: bbPress Plugin – bbp-twentyten themeAs a sidenote to the original topic! …
Rich Pedley: @Mark – test again
Thanks for that Rich, you can see I’m having a little nose around, and thanks for the offer Gautam — Even started talking to myself, and trying out other stuff too!
In reply to: bbPress Plugin – bbp-twentyten themeGautam: We already have – though that’s not active.
Which is why I said “[…] but for bbPress on right from the start” which is the route WordPress are going to go down with as bbPress would probably take that route too, so do it from the off!
Rich Pedley: is kept fairly update and when you register you get access to almost everything to show what’s available etc.
I forgot about your site Rich, signed up, but ideally wanted to take a look at all the stuff you can’t see right now!
All the back-end administration coolness!
In reply to: bbPress Plugin – bbp-twentyten themeGautam: We already have – though that’s not active.
Which is why I said “[…] but for bbPress on right from the start” which is the route WordPress are going to go down with as bbPress would probably take that route too, so do it from the off!
Rich Pedley: is kept fairly update and when you register you get access to almost everything to show what’s available etc.
I forgot about your site Rich, signed up, but ideally wanted to take a look at all the stuff you can’t see right now!
All the back-end administration coolness!
In reply to: Forum ModerationJohn James Jacoby: It’s active, but it’s a lot harder to calculate spam on a registered and activated user account.
What some people go through just to SPAM a forum!
In reply to: Forum ModerationJohn James Jacoby: It’s active, but it’s a lot harder to calculate spam on a registered and activated user account.
What some people go through just to SPAM a forum!
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – Updatesgswaim: Then Justin Tadlock was going to knock one out and that also fizzled. He had a pretty decent looking forum in a matter of weeks, but it was never finished. Or at least it was never released.
If you want to read a particular thread that talked about it (maybe in a little more detail) but more importantly a reply from Justin Tadlock, then that might give you a little more insight as to why he never released it! Hope that helps a little?
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – UpdatesJohn James Jacoby: With WordPress 3.1 almost in its third release candidate, we can expect it to ship really, really soon. That said, it makes sense to drop 3.0 support and focus on 3.1.
I agree, it brings in new features we can take advantage of, which cuts out half the hassle that’d be needed to get them working in the first place! — Why try and rebuild something we can already use?
In reply to: bbPress Plugin – bbp-twentyten themeOh that (all of the above) sounds like me from the other day!
John James Jacoby: […] we’re up to 32 individual template files […]
Man alive I didn’t think we had that many?!?!?!?!?
John James Jacoby: […] to be as simple to understand as possible without tons of proprietary functions or complex logic to figure out. To do that, we’ve split some of the files into ‘parts’ that focus on specific functionalities. Some of this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense right now because of lack of documentation […]
I agree with (and like) the idea to split some of the files into ‘parts’ as you put it JJJ which has already been done, and yes the documentation might not be there right now, but I don’t think that’s the main ‘problem’ here if we can call it that?
While I don’t has access to a demo, either locally or online that’s fully up-to-date it makes it hard to comment on some of the newer stuff committed, after my PC decided it didn’t want to be a PC anymore!
John James Jacoby: We also have an empty folder for a theme named ‘bbp-default’ which will more than likely be a full-featured theme that flexes a bit more bbPress muscle.
In my eyes, it’ll be interesting to see how this will differ from ‘bbp-twentyten’ but I’m sure I’ll be proven wrong and all that! — But while Twenty Ten is still the default theme for WordPress, I think it’s fair to say ‘bbp-twentyten’ still has to flex the bbPress muscle too?
John James Jacoby: I think when bbPress has more eyes on the code and more developers start integrating forum files into their themes, we’ll see some really neat things start to happen.
Yes more eyes would go down a treat, and I do believe developers will become more interested one all the basic core is complete, and they can see the best way of theming a particular area for example?
Until then though, if we could get the Developer Chats up and running again I think it’d help a lot of people voice an opinion on certain areas, setup the equivalent of WPDEVEL but for bbPress on right from the start. Plus as another thought, maybe some blog posts / forum posts similar to whats done on for people to leave feedback and/or requests!
JJJ, you know my thoughts, I’ve probably left them all over the place but who cares … you’ve got them one way or another! Another ‘key player’ who I’d say was very interested in the bbPress Plugin is Justin Tadlock, and as a Theme Man himself, (I might be wrong) but his thoughts into the whole templates for ‘bbp-twentyten’ or indeed any theme, would be very much appreciated by all?
In reply to: bbPress Plugin – bbp-twentyten themeOh that (all of the above) sounds like me from the other day!
John James Jacoby: […] we’re up to 32 individual template files […]
Man alive I didn’t think we had that many?!?!?!?!?
John James Jacoby: […] to be as simple to understand as possible without tons of proprietary functions or complex logic to figure out. To do that, we’ve split some of the files into ‘parts’ that focus on specific functionalities. Some of this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense right now because of lack of documentation […]
I agree with (and like) the idea to split some of the files into ‘parts’ as you put it JJJ which has already been done, and yes the documentation might not be there right now, but I don’t think that’s the main ‘problem’ here if we can call it that?
While I don’t has access to a demo, either locally or online that’s fully up-to-date it makes it hard to comment on some of the newer stuff committed, after my PC decided it didn’t want to be a PC anymore!
John James Jacoby: We also have an empty folder for a theme named ‘bbp-default’ which will more than likely be a full-featured theme that flexes a bit more bbPress muscle.
In my eyes, it’ll be interesting to see how this will differ from ‘bbp-twentyten’ but I’m sure I’ll be proven wrong and all that! — But while Twenty Ten is still the default theme for WordPress, I think it’s fair to say ‘bbp-twentyten’ still has to flex the bbPress muscle too?
John James Jacoby: I think when bbPress has more eyes on the code and more developers start integrating forum files into their themes, we’ll see some really neat things start to happen.
Yes more eyes would go down a treat, and I do believe developers will become more interested one all the basic core is complete, and they can see the best way of theming a particular area for example?
Until then though, if we could get the Developer Chats up and running again I think it’d help a lot of people voice an opinion on certain areas, setup the equivalent of WPDEVEL but for bbPress on right from the start. Plus as another thought, maybe some blog posts / forum posts similar to whats done on for people to leave feedback and/or requests!
JJJ, you know my thoughts, I’ve probably left them all over the place but who cares … you’ve got them one way or another! Another ‘key player’ who I’d say was very interested in the bbPress Plugin is Justin Tadlock, and as a Theme Man himself, (I might be wrong) but his thoughts into the whole templates for ‘bbp-twentyten’ or indeed any theme, would be very much appreciated by all?
In reply to: Forum ModerationRich Pedley: […] is akismet even active here?
I was under the impression it was active around I why, why not, if it didn’t play well together then it’s the ideal opportunity to fix it!
I’m happy to offer my services around here to help clean-up any SPAM that’s kicking about!
In reply to: Forum ModerationRich Pedley: […] is akismet even active here?
I was under the impression it was active around I why, why not, if it didn’t play well together then it’s the ideal opportunity to fix it!
I’m happy to offer my services around here to help clean-up any SPAM that’s kicking about!
In reply to: Resuming Weekly Dev ChatsAny extra who could input ideas, help build on what the Plugin has already, would be a great idea. So starting up these Dev Chats again would also be a smashing idea, possibly setting up something like has (or will have) with to keep upto date with news and such?
In reply to: Security Bug Report ContactAshfame:Seriously, a security exploit fix is sitting in the trunk for 1 week
Give JJJ a bit of respect, he’s not the only guy who could make the required change, I believe a few people have the powers and such! Plus I’m sure you’ll see that bbPress doesn’t get as much attention, or have the same number of Core Committers. I’ll try and give JJJ a shout!
In reply to: Security Bug Report ContactAshfame:Seriously, a security exploit fix is sitting in the trunk for 1 week
Give JJJ a bit of respect, he’s not the only guy who could make the required change, I believe a few people have the powers and such! Plus I’m sure you’ll see that bbPress doesn’t get as much attention, or have the same number of Core Committers. I’ll try and give JJJ a shout!
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – UpdatesRich Pedley: There won’t be loads, but I’m confident there will be a few. But more importantly there will be documentation on how to adapt existing themes. This is where child themes come in really handy.
WordPress has themes, and bbpress as a pluggin will have themes aswell?
Yes, what I think the HUGE misconception is here with Themes and bbPress (Plugin) is because BuddyPress does it differently being that they go down a Parent Theme route (but they have reasons being the way things are done, and the vast array of different templates), whereas we’re going for a Child Theme (where really it’s no different, we’re using the TwentyTen templates, and adding in what extra is needed for bbPress!)
Anyway …
ricardouk: Really hope we can “display” the forum in a wordpress page, from what i read when searching these forums a large majority wanted bbpress to have same theme as wordpress.
I seem to recall that it was Matt Mullenwegs vision of seeing a shortcode or something where you could place it wherever, and a Forum Topic or that would appear! — I’m sure he talked about it on the bbPress Blog at one stage, maybe in the comments?
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – UpdatesYou can add your input on the bbPress Forum Profiles over in the relevant Trac Ticket JJJ opened a few days ago, I already added my own thoughts back then too, but in general the ”framework” is there with the WordPress Profile, it might just need a little extra stuff!
In reply to: Forum attacked by spammersRamiuzNo, Akismet is designed for blogs, not for forums. Which is why I don´t use it for my forum, but for my blog.
No, Akismet was designed to catch SPAM, anything from comments (blog/site) to posts/thread on a forum (bbPress), they’re all the same!
In reply to: Forum attacked by spammersRamiuzNo, Akismet is designed for blogs, not for forums. Which is why I don´t use it for my forum, but for my blog.
No, Akismet was designed to catch SPAM, anything from comments (blog/site) to posts/thread on a forum (bbPress), they’re all the same!
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – UpdatesRich Pedley: [note to mods: above post is spam]
mr_pelle: […] mods? Do we have mods for real, here? [/sarcasm] -_-“
Rich Pedley: nope, but I live in hope. Though JJJ is one
We do have 1 moderator that I know of, and that’s _ck_ although we don’t see her round here very often anymore (I don’t think she likes the idea behind the plugin?!)
I’d be happy to help in removing SPAM and such, you’ll always have the odd one get through Akismet, and you’ll get some of the legit posts getting caught! — But that’s one thing I’ve not seen for bbPress, a ”Report Spam” button?
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – UpdatesDeysonOrtiz: Yes Mark I see the bbpress.php file and every other file […]
Well if thats the case, then I see no reason why it shouldn’t show up in WordPress at all, ready for you to activate and start playing about with! Very odd…!