khunmax (@khunmax)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @khunmax


    There should be a warning on the relevant page.



    My interpretation is that the OP wants to limit the overall number of topics displayed (like you can do with Robins plugin). Not change the amount of topics that appear on a given page.

    I came to this thread searching for a solution to the same problem.

    If you use the [“bbp-topic-index”] the result is that the relevant page lists all of your topics. Is there any way to limit the overall amount of topics displayed (eg.60pages), regardless of how many you set to display on each page?



    Thanks for your assistance and prompt reply.

    It would seem that a good deal of my agony was caused by an error in the documentation page for this website:

    I went to:


    Under the subheading “views” I copied the shortcode and then pasted it into the text of my WP page. It appeared as follows:

    [bbp-single-view id=’popular’]

    I then lost hours trying to get the list of popular posts to appear. Instead I just kept getting the oh bother message.

    Turns out that the shortcode has dodgy apostrophes. Once I edited those the shortcode worked:

    [bbp-single-view id='popular']

    This is a very nasty black hole for those that are unaware.



    I don’t think stephen is correct, just tried that doesn’t work




    The above listed plugin plugin no longer works.

    Your code to register a top five works however the resulting page output from this snippet includes breadcrumbs, viewing x topics, and pagination. The pagination also links to spurious pages.

    What is required to style the output page so that it does not include breadcrumbs, viewing x topics, or pagination?

    Kind Regards







    embed conflict.

    My thread here:

    BUG: when pasting #reply URL in reply



    Thanks for your input.

    I think there is currently no fix for this bug if one wishes to have embeds in their forums.



    OK… so the option to uncheck embed is already available in the back end of BBpress at: settings/forum/auto-embed links.

    So the plugin you linked to doesn’t really have anything to offer (other than stopping embeds in WP).

    Another ham-fisted way around this bug it to use the css:

    .bbp-reply-header a.bbp-reply-permalink {display:none}

    (which by the way bbpress have done on these forums)

    The downsides are:

    1. no numbering reference on replies if someone want to quote or link to old reply.
    2. In front end profile/replies no link on each reply to take user back to relevant thread.

    What do you think is best: display or not display?

    Are their any other options?




    After further testing I have discovered that the error in this code is not due to whether the user is admin or non admin.

    I (admin) have a two word username (blank space in the middle of the two words).

    I created a non admin user account also with a two word user name and get the same error. When that use clicks on the my profile link they are taken to Oops page.

    So in its current form Robins code does not work if the user has a username with more than one word in it.

    Any chance someone can fix this.

    Thanks in advance and kind regards




    Hey Robkk

    the image that appears is a large (screenshot) of the WP admin backend…

    1. how do I disable auto-embed in my forums?

    2. and if I do this, will my users still be able to post Youtube, Vimeo etc…

    Kind Regards





    Robin I have installed your OK FINAL ANSWER code listed above and all works as it should with one small BUG.

    If I am logged in as admin and then click on your MY profile link I am not taken to my BBpress front end profile page but rather to an error page:
    Oops! That page can’t be found.

    It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try searching?
    Can anyone assist me to edit the code so when someone logged in as admin click on the my profile link they are taken to his or her BBpress front end profile.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

    Kind Regards





    I will forward a copy of this on to the plugin author.

    Kind Regards





    I can confirm that if you install the above code in your functionality plugin and then use the
    WP NICE SEARCH plugin set to all you can display your bbpress content in a nice ajax drop down in your sidebar.

    Nice Search also has the option to limit the search parameters by configuring its shortcode:

    [wpns_search_form only_search=”my_custom_post_type”]

    I want to use this shortcode in the sidebars for my forum conent and limit the search to just Forums, Topics and Replies (no WP stuff included). However, I can not figure out what I should put in the NICE SEARCH shortcode as the BBpress custom post types.

    I have tried both of the following as a trial but they didn’t work:

    [wpns_search_form only_search=”bbp_register_topic_post_type”]


    [wpns_search_form only_search=”ntwb_bbp_topic_cpt_search”]

    Can anyone assist me with what the correct format of the BBpress custom post type(s) that I should be entering into the NICE SEARCH short code.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance that is offered.

    Kind Regards




    The problem here is that, using the display widgets plugin, I can set content for all of the forum related pages in my site. However if a user visits their profile page, because the sidebar is empty, it displays the default search and archives insertion from WP.



    Hi Pascal

    One of the bugs was all of the settings I saved in Robins plugin were deleted.

    I am not the first to discover the conflict. When reading upon this forum in the wake of the problem I found at least two other user that commented upon a similar issue. Sorry I don’t have the links for you.

    Anyway, notwithstanding a good deal of lost time, I created my own functionality plugin and now have created a hybrid of the features I coveted from both your and Robins plugin.

    On another issue, and noting that you are a mod, I try to submit a lengthy post upon adding a quote function yesterday evening. I tried both time and although it submited the thread never showed up in support, or in my topics created in my profile.

    My post did not contain any profanity, however I blocked quoted another user who, in his own post used the word that rhymes with shucks (he posted some 6 years back). Could my post have been filtered and deleted because of that word?

    Kind Regards




    The following CSS works to resolve issues .2 and .3 above:

    #bbpress-forums .bbp-forums-list {border:none; color:#INSERTHEXCOLOROFYOURLINKS;}

    I am still hopeful to receive some input on 1. .4 and .5 and the best practice question.

    Kind Regards




    Hey Robin

    I installed your snippet as follows:

    // Filter wp_nav_menu() to add profile link
    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'my_nav_menu_profile_link' );
    function my_nav_menu_profile_link($menu) { 	
    	if (!is_user_logged_in())
    		return $menu;
    		$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    		$user=$current_user->user_login ;
    		$profilelink = '<li><a href="' . $user . '/edit">My Profile/Edit Profile</a></li>';
    		$menu = $menu . $profilelink;
    		return $menu;

    It works perfectly for front end users, however if I am already logged in as the admin and then click on the My Profile link created by your snippet, rather than being redirected to my profile page, I get the “Oops! That page can’t be found” message. The URL that appears in my browser appears correct:


    Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated.

    Kind Regards




    Or another possible pinch point is the Tool’s kits option to remove css from non bbpress pages not playing nicely with your css functions?



    Hey Robin

    In the wake of the other issue regarding any user having access to the edit link in all other user profiles,and my inability to resolve it, I had to start over with a vanilla install GP theme and bbpress. Your plugin ran fine but then when I also added the Tool kit the site became buggy. I ran your plugin alone and the problems disappeared, and the same with the toolkit. But when I ran both, bugs returned. I then bit the bullet and made my own functionality plugin and using the BBpress functionality page (and your very kind, prompt, and valuable assistance) I adopted each of the functions and styling that I coveted from your plugin and the toolkit. The site is now bug free.

    I am still building and have opened a couple of other threads. Any additional help you may offer is appreciated immensely.

    Kind Regards





    Thanks very much for your prompt and valuable reply.

    For others reading this thread, please note that you can style the alignment of the Create New Topic link by changing the text-align element in the second snippet above.

    Please mark this thread as resolved.

    Kind Regards




    Well in the end this issue beat me. It remained with all plugins deactivated and nothing in a mu-plugins folder. And yet I could find nothing amiss within WP core files. Started again from scratch for testing purposes and in the end just keep working with my vanilla version.

    As I reported in my other thread it would seem that Robin’s Style Pack and the BBP Toolkit no longer play nicely together. That is unfortunate, given those plugins are perhaps the two most popular within the BBP stable.

    Although I could not pinpoint the cause of issue that prompted me to create this thread, I suspect that it was created by one of the following plugins:

    1. EDD
    2. Super Socializer
    3. TML

    I have active support threads open with EDD and Super Socializer requesting a fix for the bugs I identified.

    As for TML I would advise users to avoid it as it appears to mess with core files.

    Thanks for the valuable support offered to try and resolve my problem.

    Kind Regards


    In reply to: smiley emoticons



    I am currently developing a new forum site that has a conservative older target audience. I am not sure at this stage whether those users would appreciate the use of emoticons. However, I would like to test using emoticons once the site is live.

    If I install the Mona Lisa plugin and then sometime in the future I decide to delete it, is there any easy way to remove the ;-), :yes:,:cry: labels that remain in the text of my user’s replies.

    If these emoticon labels can only be edited manually from each reply, then removing the Mona Lisa plugin in the future would create a huge editing problem.

    The same issue would arise if, some time in the future, support is no longer provided for that plugin.

    I look forward to your reply and thank you in advance for your input.

    Kind Regards




    I am running the Generatepress theme and hosting locally with Xampp



    @Robkk: the delete bbp roles plugin run was completed PRIOR to installing BBpress.

    Allen: No, it actual link to edit a users profile.

    I log in as a participant, then I click on the Keymasters avatar that appears in a Topic, then I am taken to the full profile page for the keymaster. Under the avatar are the links: Profile, Topics Started, Replies Created, Favorites, Subscriptions, and EDIT. Click on the edit link and you get access to all of the keymaster info boxes including: Name, Contact Info, About the user, Account (including email and password reset fields), User Role dropdowns, and the Update User button.

    Any assistance you can offer on this is greatly appreciated. I am on a very tight deadline and haven’t slept in days trying to sort this, how can I go live with a forum site where any user can simply access (and change) the keymasters profile data by simply clicking on that person’s avatar in a topic.

    Let me know if you need any screenshots or other resources.

    Thank in advance for any assistance offered.

    Kind Regards


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