kevinjohngallagher (@kevinjohngallagher)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Theme not working!!!



    Can you load the stylesheet of the theme you wish to load directly into the browser (by typing the URL into the address bar) ?

    Are you using Deep Integration?

    What version of bbPress and WordPress are you using?


    In reply to: Import SMF to bbPress



    Wow man, a 2 year old post…

    I’d try here:

    3rd one down looks like a winner:

    99/100 the best way is to convert from any forum to phpBB3 and from there to bbPress.

    Good Luck



    I don’t believe you can.

    I’m sure that bbPress requires a WordPress table prefix for integration, at least in the installer.



    Not really. At least not easily, and there is no existing and easy to use plugin. That said, if you’re dilligent enough and have enough PHP skills you could probably garnish a solution from the threads _ck_ links to here:

    Extra dropdown field in registration page

    [EDIT chrishajer]

    If you have bbPress integrated with WordPress (sharing database and logins), then I strongly suggest using WordPress for registrations as you can theme and plugin to your hearts content there.


    In reply to: Syntax error



    I’m afraid that error has nothing to do with bbPress, but is a WordPress error. You’ll get a quicker answer if you asked on the WordPress supoprt forums.

    Good Luck!



    I’m afraid that this is a WordPress issue and not a bbPress issue.

    To get the best and quickest respone, I suggest going to the WordPress support forums.



    Well, erm, is there another way to fix this?


    For help in changing the table prefix of your wordpress tables, you’ll have to head to the wordpress support forums.

    In reply to: Instalation Folder?




    bbPress is not a WordPress plugin.

    I’d love to suggest

    But really, lets accept it’s utterly useless and allow me to point you to as it actually covers installation in more than 3 steps.



    I’m afraid you need to have a prefix for your tables in wordpress.

    This *should* be part of the documentation.

    For help in changing the table prefix of ryour wordpress tables, you’ll have to head to the wordpress support forums.



    If we fix it here, then there’s no pressure to fix it in BackPress.

    Chris my friend,

    We’re less than 10 hours away from that bug being present for it’s 3rd month.

    Emails have been sent, Tweets have been sent, Trac reports have been filed, bug reports have been filed, patches have been submitted, Trac has been bumped (including by yourself), forum posts have been written, I’ve emailled Matt and Sam (though infairness it’s neither of these guys fault) etc etc.

    I’ve even emailled Westi, who I’m looking forward to meet in 3 weeks in Manchester.

    Nothing, nil, nada, zilch, zero, tumbleweed.

    I’m not sure if we have any leverage to apply any pressure, because if we do – it ain’t working. At some stage, and that day might not be today of course, but at some stage we’ll have to accept that maybe there is no pressure on anyone to fix it in BackPress.



    Ah sorry Chris, I wasn’t clear.

    What I meant was this:

    • We want/need people to test a year’s worth of code in 1.0.3
    • Why not download the latest version.
    • Apply the the patch to that downloded code.
    • Put in a zip file.
    • Rename Zip file “”
    • Upload to website
    • Ask people to download and test.

    We know we can’t release 1.0.3 into the wild given that it’s whole implementation is questioned by the bugs in 1.1; but it’ll at least give us a heads up on a year’s worth of bugs.



    bbPress is built to be a standalone software that can share logins with WordPress. It loads it’s own theme.

    The best thing to do is to make your own bbPress theme that looks like your wordpress theme.




    we’ve seen this before,

    you cannot have a blank entry for your WordPress table prefix and integrate with bbpress1.0.

    I am presumig you’re using bbpress1.0 (you’ve not mentioned it).




    Don’t we package and include BackPress with every release?

    Why are we reliant on the BackPress team at all, can’t we just apply the patches to BackPress as we release them for testing?

    If thats teh case, cant we get an alpha for 1.0.3 out the door soon? Maybe ask people to test it and get a few bugs in while waiting on 1.1 development?



    Yes mate it is, but it’s mental that it’s still not been fixed.

    The person who is doing these updates could even apply your patch to our own version of backPress on this site and it would be sorted.



    I can’t wait until email subscriptions arrive!! This will be awesome.

    Indeed it was, 2 years ago when we had it as a working plugin.


    Given that we’re waiting on BackPress to update, and that the bug in question hasn’t had any response/update from any AutoMattic employees in 6 months, and isn’t included in the next Backpress release… how crucial is it that this bug is fixed?



    You know, I love the silent updates to the site; but at the risk of sounding ungraetful – Could you please TEST the chanegs after you’ve made them Live??

    All links to plugins from the plugin browser link to:

    Can be seen/reproduced here:

    And seriously, what is up with these >>> tags? It’s about to span into it’s 3rd month of not working. We can only help so much…



    I’m clueless about attatchements from anything to bbPress sadly; but that bbCode plugin works a treat :)



    it doesn’t parse the bbcode inside posts (meaning that all the links inside the posts are gone)

    Is the bbcode still present in the bbPress database?

    if so, then there are a few bbCode parsers for bbPress availible. I know Matt doesn’t like it, and therefore we are the only forum that won’t support it, but i think it only slows adoption



    You need to run a recount from your admin section, sometimes this happens.



    I’ve been using JavaScript just to make life easier.



    Well, I’m not sure where to report this, but I found a bug with bbpress deep integration with wordpress when the wp-super cache wordpress plugin is installed and activated.

    bbpress deep integration is not supported, so I’d report this to the WordPress Plugin Developer, and hopefully they’ll add something to the FAQ :)



    Very nice indeed numediaweb, and appreciated



    (post too old as I pressed Edit – sorry)


    Edit: To answer John:

    It wasn’t a dig at Sam mate. Not at all. I wasn’t a fan of Sam’s management style here, but felt he got dealt a difficult hand to play with the backPress 180 on him, and I’m a very big fan of his code in 1.0. The bbPulp site did become a pron site while an Automattic employee, and again, if there had been a post that it wasn’t going to be renewed so that anyone who wanted the data could copy it and start it again – bam, problem solved.

    If it looked like, or was taken as a sly dig at Sam, i apologise entirely, it wasn’t meant that way.

    Take Jane@wordpress’s post that started all of these questions. She’s giving people a heads up. She’s spreading information out to the community, so at least interested parties can answer general questions. Information then Action works best, the people at Automattic taught me that, because the do it so very well with WordPress :)

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