Forum Replies Created
Yeah, we debunked all that nonsense months ago here:
If you want to reignite that conversation in it’s own thread then lets do so mate
I love how passionate you feel about it, and you obviously have some real world experience and exmaples to share. That’s great!
But lets not derail dbneeley’s thread any further
So we’re agreed that Facebook is not Superman.
Phew, i’d hate for two of us to make that mistake, better that just one of us looks daft!!!
No facebook-connect login….thats a clear disadvantage
I know, i mean, we didn’t have forums before Facebook Connect. Infact, i think Facebook invented the internet just for Facebook Connect, since it landed on this planet years ago. It makes the world go round, and saves baby seals, and leaps over tall buildings, and stops speeding bullets and loves Lois Lane. Oh no, wait, thats Superman. Facebook Connect is a poorly rolled out, poorly suported bit of software that a hideously small percentage of people actually use. I sometimes get Superman and Facebook mixed up – apologies to all, especially one mister C.Kent.
Hi dbneeley,
You’ve asked a great set of questions, and i’m afraid my answer is going to fall well short of code012’s.
Basically, i’d suggest asking that question on the BuddyPress website. At the risk of looking like passing the buck, BuddyPress is using a hacked/modified version of bbPress, so most of the things we’d have to say on this forum would be from a standalone viewpoint and might not give the depth of answer you’d want.
But if others chip in like code012 did, then you may have just gotten lucky.
Take Care
In reply to: Modifying header to display image issues<FONT COLOR=”# 88FF88″>srsly.</FONT>
Awesome find!
Did this work Marius- ??
is it safe to rely on these old plugins
a new version, hopefully is coming soon
It’s not.
In honesty none of us know when it is coming, the “weekly” IRC meetings have not been taking place for the last 6 weeks, 1 bug in the last 3 weeks has been fixed and 20 are still outstanding, etc etc. Matt hasn’t been seen or heard of since threatening to leave the project.
How will backwards compitability be in the future of BBPress
It won’t.
It is not an aim. Never has been.
Will most of these standard functionality-plugins be built in
Mostly because everyone’s definition of “standard” is “plugins i want”.
I have used hours and hours to customize my Kakumei theme, and will all that work go to waste with a new version
Some of it will, some of it won’t.
Will it apply to the next bbpress themes at all
From what i’ve seen in subversion, you won’t need to change to many things in your theme to make sure it is bbPress1.1 compatible. But you will probably have to make some changes – it is the nature of software.
Or am I gonna have start all over again?
It depends on your theme, plugins, and custom code.
I doubt anyone will have to start all over, but some poeple will have more work than others.
In your specific case, given your lack of coding abilities and reliance on the default theme, i doubt youi’ll have much coding to do – but it is likely that some things will have to be changed.
I say this alot, but bbPress is not currently ready for use for people with no technical knowledge.
Database setup, editing files and FTP are a minimum to get the defaults going.
Some basic web development knowledge is needed to edit your theme.
Slightly above basic knowledge is needed to edit any functionality.
That is just where this software is and will be for a long time. I don’t say this to cause offence, i say this to save people difficulty.
P.S. Marius,
You also don’t have to upgrade.
Almost all of the issues you bring us could have been solved easier if you were using bbPress0.9
In reply to: Modifying header to display image issuesAh GeoCities, how i miss all those animated GIFs
Well mate, if you’re up for the challenge I’d start at something like (HTML, then CSS, then PHP sections). 9/10 it’s learning by doing and asking when stuck.
Also, I’d strongly suggest installing and playing around with WordPress before bbPress. It’s not a requirement at all, but they’ve nailed the separation of Presentation, Data, Logic so it’s easier to know where to edit – while in bbPress it’s all still bundled in together most of the time – making it hard to know where to edit if you’re new.
Effort will get you very far with bbPress though, it just needs to “click”. Don’t be a stranger
In reply to: Is bbpress licenced?bbPress is licenced under a GPL licence.
There is no licence that can force you to share any plugins or themes that you write. If you write it and want to keep it for yourself thats not against the bbPress licence.
In reply to: Changing display nameHi Jtrory,
Sadly, that specific example is exactly the same way of doing it as WordPress, so it isn’t going to change anytime soon. Not that you’re wrong though mate, and glad you got it worked out
In reply to: Really basic stuffHi Uhclem,
You’re not wrong mate, and there is an easier way to go. But it requires more investment than bbPress has had or is going to have anytime soon. If you can get bbPress to work for you they way you are happy with it, then that’s great, because its a lovely piece of software – but if not, then there are alternatives out there that will do what you want.
Take Care,
In reply to: bbOrg?john13uk,
What Terms and Conditions is this “person” breaking?
The GPL does not mean free, you can easily and leagally sell code that is compatible with a GPL licence. If you don’t like this, just ignore it, no-one is forcing you buy it. As annoyed as you may be, the person you contacted (he didn’t contact you) at no time said he would pass it on for free.
As much as SoftInfo is being a bit of a wanker, and he is, it’s not worth the hassle.
If you have the ability to do the “customisation and other stuff”, making this basic (and pretty awful looking theme) shouldn’t really be an issue. You have the theme folder and pages already.
At no point does ChrisHajer suggest he’s accepting money for theme’s someone else created. Please be careful when making accusations against others, especially well respected people.
selling [GPL themes] are the are against wordpress policy?
Yes. Premium themes, such as the ones you link to, sell services that come with the themes (usually minimum support contracts). We’ve been over this road countless times.
If you don’t sorry to me then I’ll leave bbpress
Oh no!!
Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out
In reply to: warning message helpHi jansummers,
You’re bbPress install has content being sent to the browser before all the processing is finished.
9/10 this comes from a ‘new line’ at the end of a user created php file (theme or plugin).
The fact you’re getting this error via the Plugin API strongly suggests such an issue is with a plugin. Have you edited one? have you got a new one installed recently?
Without more info, the only suggestion we have can give is this:
1) Change back to the default theme and see if it the bug still occurs.
2) Start deactivating plugins one at a time and see if it still occurs.
3) If you’re using the default theme and all plugins are deactivated, try re-uploading bbpress. Its unlikely that’ll make any difference, but its covering your bases
In reply to: Fatal Error! HelpMorning matey,
The issue quiktipz is having is that a wordpress plugin is causing a fatal error. Deleting this plugin will effectively ignore that error but will create another one with in wordpress. And it’s not solving the issue at hand
For new users, quick fixes like this usually end up in hours of following the rabbit down the hole and not solving the original issue.
In reply to: BBPress Polls for 1.02 or other polls working?its now active on my forum for the next four hours
With all due respect, you’re asking for our help to fix a bug only you are having but you won’t let us see. I asked you for a link to see the issue to help you and it took you 7 hours to respond (even though you replied to 3 other threads in the next hour), and when you did reply you gave a 4 hour window of when we could give up our free time to fix your bug.
Can you give us a link to your test site please?
In reply to: bbOrg?Hi John13uk,
I’m afraid this conversation started years ago, and both of those websites mentioned above have been shut down for quite sometime.
In reply to: Modifying header to display image issuesUhclem, how much HTML do you know?
I ask not to be rude, but to check the level of support needed. It looks like your website was set up with Microsoft Frontpage and with no hand coding done. Sadly, hand coding is needed for changing things in bbPress, and no amount of help from us can talk you through it if you don’t have the basics.
In reply to: Fatal Error! HelpWordPress has a tendancy to throw a it’s toys out of the pram if it has an activated plugin that isn’t there.
BuddyPress is quite an intricate setup, and randomly deleting stuff won’t really solve the issues. Given that this wasn’t tested on anything but a live site, deleting things from a live production site when you don’t know whats going on is not a great idea
That’s not to say it couldn’t work though
In reply to: Really basic stuffOr click the “extend” button on the main menu above.
In reply to: Fatal Error! HelpThe other thing you could do, and the people at BuddyPress will be able to direct you to this, is to de-activate the plugin directly from the database via something like phpmyadmin.
Realistically though, my biggest bit of advice is not to do things like this on a live production site. Test test and test again
Take care and good luck
In reply to: Fatal Error! HelpHi Quicktipz,
I’d strongly suggest asking htis over at the buddyPress forums as they’ll have more chance of knowing the answer. Don’t delete the plugin yet (not as a first step anyway). Log into WordPress and de-activate it first.
If you’re trying to install bbPress or BuddyPress with your wordpress install?
( in know it gets confusing)
In reply to: Plugins You Want !!!Im saying that if its not that ideal, then its not working.
And what i’m saying is, you’re wrong.
Working is working. Ideal is ideal. I can’t think of one, not one, piece of software that is ideal. Infact, i can’t think of one thing in the world that is ideal. Ideal is something we aim for, working is just the minimum we accept. If you have higher standards – awesome!
We all want things to be better, but we have limited resources. The more time we spend on things that do work, but could be better, is more time away from things that don’t work.
P.S. Dont’ say things aren’t working because you don’t like how to make them work. I said that about my wife once, don’t think she’s ever forgiven me
In reply to: Plugins You Want !!!Marius,
If something works, even if you have to do some of the work yourself, then it works.
If it doesn’t work – report the bug and we’ll try and help.
But saying things don’t work because it’s not ideal or as easy as you’d like isn’t helping us to help you
and you’re passionate about bbPress, we want to help you
In reply to: Really basic stuffI’m going to presume you meant “thanks for the help”
Akismet is great at catching a high percentage of spam, especially on Blogs. It’s not all of course but it’s a high percentage. Sadly it sometimes catches non-spam incorrectly. Considering it’s a free service, it’s not a huge issue for a blog. That said, blog posts are generally different to forum posts, and as a result Akismet is far less accurate for forums. It still catches a high percentage of spam, just not as high as it does for blogs and it marks way more things as spam when it’s not.
Why do I want this again?
It’s a free service, it does catchs alot of the spam, it’s better than nothing.
In reply to: Plugins You Want !!!Marius mate,
we have these things. I’m the first to say it’s not ideal, but we have the things you’ve asked for
1) Polls.
We have polls.
2) Chatbox.
There’s a shoutbox plugin on the bbProgress website. Works with 0.9 and 1.0.2. Been there for over a year.
3) Custom Avatar.
We have that.
4) Administrate posting for users.
We have that, all apart from the minimum word thing, because thats something YOU want and not something needed as standard. But i gave you the 6 lines of code to fix that.