jolaedana (@jolaedana)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    I am having the same issue as thierryyyyy with this plugin- and it’s all my users, as well. I’ve tried saving the file out without any special characters, using every export option in Photoshop, Apple’s Preview, and another program called Graphic Converter- there’s just no way the JPG is corrupt, I work in graphics all day every day.

    I’m running

    Integrated with WP, and got quite a few other plugins running- I believe it was fine with all these same plugins previously though!

    Any thoughts? I’m happy to give any information I can. Thanks!



    Deactivating the “Use Display Name” Plugin fixed this issue for me.



    Deactivating that plugin did the trick, Sholto, thank you!



    More issues along the same lines here:

    Key master is not allowed to add forums

    Can’t add additional tags to post

    I can confirm that I am using the “use display name” plugin mentioned in the first thread, and deactivating it DID fix the issue.





    I’m still listed as a keyholder, but I’m wondering if perhaps the steps in this thread might fix the issue?

    No Site Keymasters

    Thoughts before I create a new handle and give it a try? Would it hurt anything?



    I’ve tested it with a user that has moderator permissions, and he can delete posts and add tags just fine.

    So it does, indeed, seem to be a keyholder/admin problem.



    I have had this on and off myself since upgrading to 8.3.



    Hmm. That could be- I can confirm that I am an upgrader, and my username is Admin.

    Any thoughts on how to remedy it? I’d hate to have to do a completely fresh install.



    No worries! I’ve done it a million times myself and I do it for a living- you live and learn. ;)



    Yikes! That’s three of us now. I’m wondering if permissions on a file could be causing this? I’m having a hard time thinking of what else it could be, unless the keyholder permissions got messed with somehow during the update.



    I’ve reverted to the non plugin installed version (couldn’t even delete the plugin via FTP program, I had to do it through the Plugin Manager interface.) and made my changes.

    For now, I’m just keeping the plugins I don’t need to tweak installed through plugin manager- it cuts back on checking for updates at least, so thanks! I’m puzzled as to the cause, since it only seems to be the files created by your plugin effected. It may be something my host has done, I’m unsure.

    Thanks for the thoughts!



    How odd… I don’t have any problem editing ANY other files on my server- just the files your plugin installed. Really strange.

    I’m using an FTP program, not the command line- that may yield different results. I can’t be root, that’s for sure- on a shared host.

    I’ll see what I can figure out- thanks Sam. that’s what I needed to know.



    Hi Sam! Thanks for the reply.

    I’ve already tried to chmod the files- I get a “you do not have permission to modify these files” on all the files, no matter what permission level I tried. I’ve got pretty extensive web experience, so that was the first thing I tried.

    I guess for now I’ll go back to the non plugin install- I was just curious if there was something written into the Plugin Manager that caused the file permission settings to be locked. Seems odd that I can’t even overwrite a .gif file!

    Thanks for the overview and clarification. :)



    Excellent idea! You’re bookmarked. Thanks.



    This may seem INCREDIBLY simple- but did you clear your browser’s cache? Often CSS files are stored by your browser, so when you change them, the changes don’t show even if you hit refresh unless the browser cache is emptied.



    I am having this exact same problem with adding tags, except it’s ALSO doing this when I attempt the ‘delete’ option to try and delete a topic. Using the same versions, and logged in as keymaster as well.




    I’ve been working with chrishajer from the forums here on this one, and thanks to his help the problem was discovered and solved.

    Somehow, the “parent” value of each forum was set to 1 instead of 0, but because there was no parent with an id of 1, they weren’t showing up. We went in via PHPmyAdmin, and changed that parent value in the tables from 1 to 0, and they showed up just fine. I never had these under a parent forum.

    Guessing this may have been caused somehow during the database changes during the update? Unsure, but many thanks to Chris for his great help. :)



    I didn’t have any parent children forums- stayed away from that and kept it all top level.

    I basically just modified the basic theme that comes with the forums- the only thing I changed was the CSS, so the index.php file should be the same, aside from the few things I added in to call the “who’s online” list and the like.



    $bb_db_override = false;

    do_action( ‘bb_index.php_pre_db’, ” );

    if ( isset($_GET) && ‘1’ == $_GET ) :

    $forums = false;

    elseif ( !$bb_db_override ) :

    $forums = get_forums(); // Comment to hide forums

    $topics = get_latest_topics();

    $super_stickies = get_sticky_topics();


    do_action( ‘bb_index.php’, ” );

    bb_load_template( ‘front-page.php’, array(‘bb_db_override’, ‘super_stickies’) );




    I’m getting the vibe this is a mystery. :( I haven’t been able to find anything similar so far, and looking through the source hasn’t helped out at all either.



    I’m running PHP 4.4.7, and server is Linux- nothing too non standard.

    It seems like this new version you’ve done has fixed the issue- yaay. It was only occurring if I tried to post a second time in a thread I’d already posted in once with the signature. Seems to be solved.

    Thanks for all your great work on plugins around here lately.

    If I have any other bugs with this, I’ll be sure to let you know.



    Thanks for the plugin! My users will be happy.

    Unfortunately, I’m getting the following error:

    Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /path_to/my-plugins/bb-signatures.php on line 127

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /path_to/my-plugins/bb-signatures.php:127) in /path_to/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 168

    Any thoughts?



    This worked like a charm for me, and was requested by many of my members. Thanks!



    Great stuff. :) I think this is something it would be cool if WordPress should attempt- though it’d require one heck of an organizational system.



    Thanks for all the help so far, Fel.

    I’ll keep looking into things and report back here if I manage to sort it out.

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