John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

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  • John James Jacoby


    This is the same as WordPress so don’t expect it to change too quickly. Most of the built in functions allow for you to wrap things in your own mark-up if you wanted to, and while I personally find this a nuisance, it works for most people and still allows developers the ability to modify it.

    John James Jacoby


    Firstly, what versions of WP and BBP are you using?

    John James Jacoby



    Firstly, while there’s two ways to skin a cat, david’s method kills the kitty in the process. My advice is not to do it that way. If you need to get the absolute path of a directory I made a quick file to do it…

    Put this code in a php file, I named mine “abs.php”

    $p = getcwd();
    echo $p;

    Then upload that file to the directory you want to find the path to, and visit it in a web browser. It will echo the absolute path for you. Copy the output. Delete the file. Done!

    Duplicating the themes is really the best way to do this, and I promise that once you’ve included WordPress into bbPress properly, it’s a really straightforward and rewarding process.

    Firstly, download Notepad++. It’s free, and it rules.

    Firstly.5, make copies of your WordPress header.php/footer.php files, and save them someplace safe. We will be modifying these files and don’t want to ruin the actual working WordPress ones.

    Secondly, open the header.php/footer.php files for both the stock bbPress theme, and the copied ones I just mentioned. In Notepad++ you should now have 4 files open.

    We’re basically working from the outside in.

    Thirdly, take all of the relevant bbPress PHP code from it’s header.php/footer.php files, and start copy and pasting them to the equivalent places in the WP copy header.php/footer.php files. Like in mine, I actually have:


    Which loads all of the WP and BBP head related functions inside my BBP forums. Because I want links to my feeds and what-not…

    Fourthly, once you’re done with this, then you start poking around the other BBP theme files, and modify all of those files to work within the same construct as your WP theme does, with the same DIV classes and names and what-not.

    Because we’ve included the WordPress functions inside bbPress, and because we’re using the same original WP theme header.php file, all of the same style-sheets and JS from that theme are already coded and loaded, even though you’re looking at bbPress. The rest is just tweaking all of the files to look how you want them to.

    This is the process I used at, and I think it’s worked really super well. :)

    John James Jacoby



    If you wanted to, it is possible to write a “clear all cookies” plug-in/function that would just be a link that would delete the cookies for a user entirely. I can verify that as long as you’re using WP2.7 and BBP1.0a4, that integration works and works really well. I’ve fully tested it on two different platforms now and both times it’s worked without a hitch.

    John James Jacoby



    You know, I think about this everyday, but between you and me (and everyone else reading) I’m convinced more and more that no one really has any idea how to code XHTML, or what kind of object should rightfully be used to encapsulate content.

    For the first 20 years of the modern web, everything was done in tables. For the last 5 years of the modern web, everything is being done in lists, divs, and paragraphs. Half the time things are marked up as paragraphs even though they aren’t actually blocks of text. The other half things are marked up as lists even though they contain 1 link. (WordPress and bbPress both suffer from this type of issue, specifically in the pagination and previous/next functions.)

    One thing that the Smarty engine does promote, is keeping ALL of the XHTML out of the source code, allowing “template designers” to focus ONLY on the mark-up and then inserting the Smarty tags where the dynamic content belongs.

    I’ve noticed that Automattic products tend to really try to think ahead in terms of a typical layout and what their audiences want, and that’s not a bad idea usually… But when the audience changes their mind and wants to go from UL’s to DL’s, inserting a DT becomes impossible and the function is immediately flawed by design. A Smarty type of engine avoids this all together.

    Smarty is way too big and fat to include in either WP or BBP in my opinion. We’d be better off with a slimmed down version that’s used in CHBB, which I would LOVE to see implemented personally…

    John James Jacoby


    Hey Sam, when registering through WordPress, did you mention that your WP Integration plug-in would adjust the role in bbPress somehow also? I have a new user that registered through WP and while I’m not sure if they’ve ever logged in or not, they do not have a role set in the BBP side. I could manually map them…

    What would help you in this situation? Would you like me to dump the meta data for that user along with their respective user table entry?

    John James Jacoby


    Isn’t this what the role mapping in the bbPress Admin panel WordPress Integration page is for? It should map the existing users as you specify according to their preexisting WordPress roles.

    In reply to: ETA of bbPress 1.0 ?

    John James Jacoby


    It seems like 1.0 has really come along nicely the past month or so, with many frequent bug fixes and trac updates.

    I know I’m new to the bbPress game, but I really do hope and plan to stick around as a beta tester and plug-in developer once I’m totally comfortable with what I figure out from poking around.

    John James Jacoby


    It might be worth noting that in my working version, I have not modified either of the -config.php files other than what the WP plug-in states. Basically I did not modify the bb-config.php with what the admin integration speed up thing asked me to. I never could get that manual stuff working right.

    John James Jacoby



    Are you using a subdomain of some kind?

    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    John James Jacoby


    Joined. ;)

    John James Jacoby


    Looks like cross integrating the bb-load.php file into wp-config.php breaks the WP admin styling completely. It causes the header to output all funky and out of order. Trying to track it down now, but for the time being don’t try it! Yikes! Haha!

    John James Jacoby



    I’ve thought about this, and tossed it around in my mind for the past few weeks. I think that for us right now, it would make sense to do things this way, since we’re only really familiar with WordPress, and then bbPress. There are a few other products that Automattic has, such as WordPress MU, BuddyPress, and BackPress, that also will need to have a way to integrate around each other and any random installation combination of them.

    With that being said, from a bbPress users perspective, it might almost make more sense to have WordPress MU be a plug-in for bbPress, giving each individual user their own WordPress type blog. This would use bbPress as the core installation, and include another application inside itself.

    You can see that with so many products and possibilities, the fact that Sam has enlightened us with a working bbPress/WordPress dedicated integration solution using bbp1.0alpha4 is pretty awesome.

    I’m going to do my best to make a plug-in like you’ve mentioned, to add a bbPress menu in the WordPress admin panel, and allow editing of the bbPress settings. I think that again, right now, a majority of the bbPress audience is going to lean towards that as a next logical step. Eventually however, BuddyPress and BackPress will probably be the future for all of us.

    Your points are valid, and I think many of us here feel the same, just rest assured that the devs are listening and busting their butts to make things work together the best way they can.

    John James Jacoby


    On a side note Sam…

    I’d like to try to head the project to include the bbPress administration area into the WordPress admin area as a plugin… It sounds like a major task, but I really don’t think it will be that hard since all of the functions are written for me already…

    I noticed that you tucked your plugin under the WP Settings menu, which is where I think it belongs for now. However, once integration becomes more popular, I suspect users may want a centralized administration panel, possibly requiring a separate WP root menu for bbPress related settings.

    I know I’m thinking light years ahead here, but perhaps starting to think about an integration standard now before we get too far into things might not be a bad idea?

    John James Jacoby


    I’ve also briefly tested the deepest integration possible with a cross include; including BBP into WP config, and WP into BBP config, thus allowing all functions in all areas.

    Aside from the really painful overhead and the possible plug-in conflicts, it seems to work that way also.

    I do highly recommend clearing out all cookies once you’ve got everything setup.

    Sam, I’ve got homework I need to do for the next few hours, but I promise by tomorrow morning I’ll have a write-up for you.

    John James Jacoby


    Using deep integration inside the bb-config.php, I’ve been able to include all of the WP functions normally included in the WP/header.php file successfully. This has allowed me to replace the bbPress login/registration with the WordPress one and actually use the WP login/logout function from within BBP.

    So far Sam, I am calling this a huge success.

    John James Jacoby



    Logged in as KeyMaster, using the BBP1.0alpha4 (non trunk) and using the BBP Integration plugin for WP (trunk) I can confirm that all cookies, logins, logouts, and admin panels appear to be working from every direction.

    WordPress installed in “ROOT/” directory.

    bbPress installed in “ROOT/forums/” directory.

    Pat yourself on the back soldier, we have lift-off.

    Once I am comfortable with my findings and can test this more thoroughly I’ll write a detailed how-to integrate topic ASAP.

    Side note: It also all appears to still work even with deep integration in the bb-config.php file. Still testing so stay tuned with that.

    John James Jacoby


    My guess is you’ve integrated your BBP install inside your WP using the config.php inclusion. That will cause that exact problem.

    John James Jacoby


    Thanks for the response and it clarifies all of my questions.

    Regarding nonces, the catch twenty-two with them would be if logging in and logging out of either/or BBP or WP don’t both affect both, or if adequate traps aren’t placed to disallow one or the other.

    Example is visible at my live test site If you’d like to try this, register yourself and use the invite code “bbpress”. (Registering makes you a WP contributor, and I need to assign your membership role in the BBP admin manually as of right now.)

    When you’re in the forums, the logout link won’t work, because the login through WP generates a nonce that BBP doesn’t know and can’t find. Because the nonces are by design different, if I login through WP and try to logout through BBP, WP will pitch a fit without the correct nonce. Make sense or am I off track here?

    John James Jacoby


    Alpha 2 works pretty well but 3 seems a no go until Mr. Bauers finds what’s broken.

    Curious Sam if you test this on a live environment yourself, or what the process is?

    John James Jacoby


    Neither alpha3 nor the trunk versions of bbPress seem to create cookies for WordPress. Basically either way fails to generate the others’ cookies.

    I might be missing the mark on this one, but is the point of deep integration to have 1 single log in, or to allow use of WP functions inside BBP?

    I think the end result we’re mostly looking for, is a unified front from any direction. BBP functions in WP, and WP functions in BBP, with 1 login and registration. Which makes me think that BBP needs to be a WP plugin more than a stand along product to serve this purpose.

    I also noticed that the bbPress install doesn’t ask for the nonce key or salt from WordPress. Possible this could be an issue also?

    John James Jacoby


    Well, my first impression of beta 3 without including is that login integration doesn’t work at all.

    Without the “deep” integration in the bb-config.php:

    1. Logging into WordPress leaves me logged out of bbPress.
    2. Logging into bbPress leaves me logged out of WordPress.
    3. Logging out of bbPress leaves me logged into WordPress.
    4. Logging out of WordPress leaves me logged into bbPress.

    With the “deep” integration in the bb-config.php:

    1. Logging into WordPress leaves me logged out of bbPress.
    2. Logging into bbPress leaves me logged out of WordPress.
    3. Logging out of bbPress leaves me logged into both bbPress AND WordPress.
    4. Logging out of WordPress leaves me logged into bbPress.

    So, login integration worked better in beta 2 unfortunately.

    I haven’t tested the themes or functions yet however.

    John James Jacoby


    I will fully test this tomorrow. Thanks for pounding this out so quick.

    John James Jacoby


    Hmm… This is a tough one, because it involves reverse engineering the query… To the best of what I can tell there isn’t anything in the core of bbPress that delivers this functionality…

    Because topics are sorted by date, it would involve a custom query which is then divided by the number of threads you choose to display per page…

    @the developers: Do bbPress themes accommodate for a functions.php file, similar to WordPress? This is the type of situation that a plug-in is a little bit much for, but would be perfect for an add on function.

    In reply to: when bbp 1.0 release?

    John James Jacoby


    Dear Santa,

    For Christmas this year I would like bbPress 1.0 with working WordPress integration, and for daddy to find a job.


    Little Johnny

    : How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

    The world, will never know.

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