John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    The /forums folder in the bbp-twentyten folder is new as of a few hours ago. The bbPress plugin is programmed to look in a few places for its template files, two of which are “/forums” or “/bbpress”

    Eventually BuddyPress and bbPress will play nicely together, but until then there’s a bit of a disconnect since BuddyPress currently has no idea the bbPress plugin exists. :)

    If you have forums installed as part of your existing BuddyPress installation, eventually the bbPress plugin will include a script to migrate those forums over. Until then, they are two totally disconnected and separately functioning forums.



    @alex – The code snippet you’ve included is doing a few different things incorrectly. If you can pinpoint exactly where bbPress is causing your issues, I’m happy to fix it. :)

    @ashfame – Thanks :)



    QuickD – Your question has been addressed a number of times in this topic. Pushing really hard for early March for an alpha to be available.



    Ask your webhost to provide you with access logs of your site, and see where those _POST requests came from. You can also try updating to 1.0.3 which is tagged in the repository but not available for download via .zip quite yet.



    Ask your webhost to provide you with access logs of your site, and see where those _POST requests came from. You can also try updating to 1.0.3 which is tagged in the repository but not available for download via .zip quite yet.



    Try bbp_is_forum() :)

    Otherwise, because of other plugins like BuddyPress it’s hard to know exactly if we’re in *any* bbPress page without running through all the _is_ functions first. I have it set ‘bbPress’ as the body class if a bbPress page is detected, but that happens pretty late in the game. Would be better off checking for a specific _is_ and going from there.



    The bbp-twentyten theme is currently a child theme, but will most likely be a parent theme and include all of the updated twentyten’s theme files in addition to the bbPress ones. Granted, that’s going to crowd the theme up with a ton of files, but that’s kind of just what happens when you add a ton of functionality.



    You won’t need to. The plugin will handle it for you, provided the data lives in the same database.



    You won’t need to. The plugin will handle it for you, provided the data lives in the same database.



    Sadly no. The bbPress plugin for WordPress is a complete rewrite of bbPress from the ground up to fit inside of WordPress.

    If anyone wanted to step up and write some kind of compatibility code would be neat, but it’s unlikely to ever happen and isn’t on the roadmap is it stands today.



    This will be possible to do in the bbPress plugin for WordPress. There are no plans to explicitly support this in the currently downloadable stand-alone version, although you could definitely query the DB manually and sort topics by title.



    This will be possible to do in the bbPress plugin for WordPress. There are no plans to explicitly support this in the currently downloadable stand-alone version, although you could definitely query the DB manually and sort topics by title.



    Original post updated with progress on various parts.

    @luminis – bbPress should follow the language that your WordPress installation is, however there currently aren’t any language packs that I know of. To change the various things in your theme, you’ll want to create a new theme that you can modify safely. The easiest way to do that is to copy the bbp-twentyten folder out of /bbp-themes and into your /wp-content/themes/ folder, rename it, and edit the name of your new theme in style.css so that you don’t get the two confused. Your # 3 can be found in form-bbp_topic.php, and # 4 would require a helper plugin to hook into ‘bbp_is_user_subscribed’ and adjust the default value.



    A conversion script will be bundled with the plugin, however since bbPress doesn’t come with an export tool, it will probably happen at the database level and not via an XML import/export.



    A conversion script will be bundled with the plugin, however since bbPress doesn’t come with an export tool, it will probably happen at the database level and not via an XML import/export.



    I made some drastic adjustments to the post_meta values a few minutes ago that could have adverse effects on existing installations. I say ‘could’ because I’ve also included a primitive update script that should take care of any potential disasters for you. This should require no attention on your behalf. If for some reason all your topics disappear, don’t fret as they aren’t deleted, just invisible; and deactivating and reactivating the plugin should realign them.

    Currently doing query optimization and looking for ways to bring the count down. There are a few places we’re creating new WP_Query objects where it probably isn’t needed, which is causing the object cache to miss in a few places it would normally hit.

    Also going to look at topic merging and splitting, as that appears to currently be broken while it attempts to recalculate the new forum, topic, and reply counts.



    Hi Chrissy06,

    The problem appears to be this file:

    It looks like you copied the bbp-twentyten theme out of the bbPress plugin directory and placed it in your /themes/ folder. This should not be necessary, and it could cause conflicts or issues by moving it.



    Makes sense. If you’re using it as a stand alone, you can continue to do so if you’re happy with it’s features as we’ll be continuing support for the 1.0/1.1 branches of code for the conceivable future. If you’d like to run the latest and greatest and have a need for WordPress integration, then the in-development plugin version is the way to go.



    Makes sense. If you’re using it as a stand alone, you can continue to do so if you’re happy with it’s features as we’ll be continuing support for the 1.0/1.1 branches of code for the conceivable future. If you’d like to run the latest and greatest and have a need for WordPress integration, then the in-development plugin version is the way to go.



    Things like PM’s are more BuddyPress territory. Image uploading is built into WordPress, so that can be turned on via a plugin to the bbPress plugin pretty easily.

    The bbPress documentation will be revamped along side the plugin launch.



    Things like PM’s are more BuddyPress territory. Image uploading is built into WordPress, so that can be turned on via a plugin to the bbPress plugin pretty easily.

    The bbPress documentation will be revamped along side the plugin launch.



    @willabee – This is fixed now. Subforums were still defaulting to 5 instead of adhering to the setting.

    @ch8rt – How about removing the plugin entirely, and reinstalling it?

    @alanchrishughes – Development has sped up in the past 2 months, and we’ve been able to get a lot more features in as a result.



    P.S – the forum recount procedures are done, tested, and going through optimizing now. So one of the final bits before an official alpha on the plugin side is near completion.



    P.S – the forum recount procedures are done, tested, and going through optimizing now. So one of the final bits before an official alpha on the plugin side is near completion.



    Only recently has anyone stepped up to give bbPress any dedicated attention. Namely, me. :)

    Also consider that bbPress as a project is pretty much feature frozen. There isn’t anything more to add to it. There will be a 1.1 soon with a few extras, and that’s it for the stand-alone version aside from maintenance as needed.

    A lot of this is already on the forums in several places.

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