John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Hi :)

    Nothing exists yet, but there is an approximate game-plan for the bbPress plugin once it’s released. We’ve tried to keep everything phpDoc’ed in the plugin, so step one will be getting developers to reference that + trac. Step two will be getting to use the plugin version of bbPress, and then use a multisite instance of WordPress to manage the individual languages and codex. That’s probably a few months out though, realistically.



    Hi :)

    Nothing exists yet, but there is an approximate game-plan for the bbPress plugin once it’s released. We’ve tried to keep everything phpDoc’ed in the plugin, so step one will be getting developers to reference that + trac. Step two will be getting to use the plugin version of bbPress, and then use a multisite instance of WordPress to manage the individual languages and codex. That’s probably a few months out though, realistically.



    @willabee – Don’t move any files anywhere. Just activate bbPress and see how it fits on your site. If it doesn’t, use the bbp-twentyten theme. It puts itself in your list of available themes even though it’s in the plugins folder

    @Rick Lewis – I’ll post a new topic tonight with instructions on how to test. :)



    That’s a bug. I experienced it once before and thought I’d fixed it so might be a regression of some newer privacy handling code. Will check it out. Go ahead and create a trac ticket for it and I’ll close it when it’s resolved.

    In reply to: hello!!!



    Hi Bryan. Looks like you just registered here a few seconds before posting this. Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you’re not spam. Welcome to :)

    In reply to: hello!!!



    Hi Bryan. Looks like you just registered here a few seconds before posting this. Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you’re not spam. Welcome to :)



    @ricardouk – Gautam’s got it a little backwards. It means that if your existing WordPress theme *DOES NOT* have add_theme_support( 'bbpress' ); in its functions.php file (or anywhere else) that bbPress will attempt to fill in the missing template files on its own with a default set of CSS rules.

    For example, for themes that do not *explicitly* say “yes I have bbPress template files” bbPress will still attempt to work it out for you. Say you purchased a theme from StudioPress which doesn’t come bundled with any bbPress template files for forums, that’s okay. When you visit a single forum or single topic, bbPress intercepts the request and serves up a default template that looks like a forum or topic. :)

    In other words, do not use add_theme_support( 'bbpress' ); unless your custom theme has a “/bbpress” folder that has the necessary files that bbPress expects to be there.



    A few last minute gifts are now in the bbPress plugin.

    First, shortcodes. Now you can insert forums and topics into blog posts and pages. This is awesome because it will let you insert a river of forums or replies anywhere that the_content(); is used and shortcodes are supported.

    Second, theme compatibility. This one is huge, could use some testing, and is potentially a game-changer. If you’re not using a theme that actively supports bbPress by setting add_theme_support( 'bbpress' );, bbPress is going to serve up its own default set of templates and styling from whatever is set as the theme compatibility layer (which defaults to bbp-twentyten.) There is a little more work to be done here, but so far it’s working a treat.

    As a plugin developer, theme compatibility with new features is something I’ve wrestled with for a really long time, and recent changes in WordPress core have made this easier. For BuddyPress and now bbPress, this is years in the planning stages, and I’m really happy, excited, and proud that it’s in and loosely working. :)



    Note to existing bbPress plugin users: To work in harmony with BuddyPress Group forums, the behavior of private forums has changed.

    Going forward there are 3 types of forum visibility: Public, Private, and Hidden

    Previously, private forums were completely hidden from view. This is no longer the case. Private forums, their topics, and their replies are now all visible in sidebars and user profiles, only you must have the “read_private_forums” cap to view them.

    Hidden forums, on the other hand, are completely hidden from view, as are their topics and replies. Anything inside a hidden forum is only visible to users that also have the ‘read_private_forums” cap.

    The logic on how these will work is still fuzzy, since it’s not something that bbPress will really need to do on its own. It will be up to plugins (like BuddyPress) to determine meta capabilities for user scope per private/hidden forum on the fly.

    Right now “Private Forums” are more like teasers, where users can see they exist but cannot access them, where as “Hidden Forums” are totally 100% hidden from view except from admins and super admins in the wp-admin.



    Going to be cleaning up the trac tickets for the plugin over this weekend and uploading a 2.0-alpha-1 to the plugin repository in the next few days. This should make downloading, installing, and updating the plugin easier for everyone now that it’s ready for more testing.

    The original alphas won’t include Gautam and Nightgunner5’s converter, but I’ll spend some time with it before launch and see about fitting it into core.

    Getting close!



    bbPress will eventually see some GlotPress love, at which time anyone is welcome to contribute to language packs.

    …and no, bbPress is not dead. Never was.



    bbPress will eventually see some GlotPress love, at which time anyone is welcome to contribute to language packs.

    …and no, bbPress is not dead. Never was.



    @tooltrainer – I don’t see bbPress installed anywhere on that site. I’d rather you not link to your site if there’s no visible bbPress installation on it. Also not very fond of the pop up alert when I tried to navigate away from it.


    Keymaster – Thanks :)

    Someone has a signature patch in trac, but I’ve asked them to make it a rock solid plugin instead. I’d rather have that be someone people plugin rather than disable.

    Topic/reply promotion could be accomplished as a plugin using the post_order attribute which is currently only used by forums for ordering them similar to pages. We may try something similar eventually for the .org support forums, so we definitely see the need for this.

    In reply to: @mentiones in bbpress?



    If you create a topic or make a reply in your bbPress powered forum that comes with BuddyPress, it automatically creates activity feed items to match. The plugin will be integrated in a similar manner.

    In reply to: @mentiones in bbpress?



    If you create a topic or make a reply in your bbPress powered forum that comes with BuddyPress, it automatically creates activity feed items to match. The plugin will be integrated in a similar manner.



    @Paul – Done. :) – Open to anything, but I have a semi-strict laundry-list of things I’m looking for to have something included in the package.

    In reply to: bb-admin won't load



    You will need phpmyadmin or some kind of direct database access to more easily address those issues. There is no 1 file to open, but if you have strong PHP skills you can write your own queries to access that data as you need to.

    In reply to: bb-admin won't load



    You will need phpmyadmin or some kind of direct database access to more easily address those issues. There is no 1 file to open, but if you have strong PHP skills you can write your own queries to access that data as you need to.



    This is possible to do in the trunk/development version of bbPress, which will eventually be version 1.1 and is very near completion. A few issues cropped up a few weeks ago and there are trac tickets open for them that need to be addressed before a beta will be made available.



    This is possible to do in the trunk/development version of bbPress, which will eventually be version 1.1 and is very near completion. A few issues cropped up a few weeks ago and there are trac tickets open for them that need to be addressed before a beta will be made available.



    Marked as resolved.



    Marked as resolved.



    @yutt – It’s my official job responsibility at Automatic to contribute a relatively large percentage of my time directly to the development of both bbPress and BuddyPress. The past negativity of the bbPress community has played a part in the lack of developer contributions, but I think a bigger part is the need for integrated forums not being as large as some of us perceive it to be. If everyone wanted it, more people would naturally contribute. Either way, I’m happy to keep things moving, and I’m always around if someone needs to contact me, has questions, etc… It’s also not a matter of “WordPress HQ” since bbPress is its own project, it’s more a matter of someone committing to seeing it through, which I plan to. :)

    @qprints – Good eye :)

    In reply to: test it



    Not out of the box, no.

    Allowed markup: a blockquote code em strong ul ol li embed.
    You can also put code in between backtick characters.

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