John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    It’s fine to be frustrated, but your tone towards the volunteers trying to help you is pretty crappy.

    However, it is the sentiment one gets when trying to follow the BBpress’ documentation: (…)

    If you don’t like the documentation, change it. It’s a WordPress site where everyone is an Editor, and you can be part of the solution just like every other volunteer, or you can be upset because the amazing free software you’re using isn’t as polished as we all know it could be. If only we had more volunteers… Paradox.

    Which is it? Why are there two different ways? Is one applicable to one situation and the other to another?

    We brought the old bbConverter into bbPress in 2.1. bbConverter development stopped, and I took it over and brought it into bbPress core along with several much needed fixes. Trying to use software that you know is abandoned and others have not succeeded with is generally a bad idea.

    I am just told that the database does not exist. Well it does, I can log-in using myPhp and there it is.

    The connection failure doesn’t provide the feedback you’re wishing for. There is no “your password was incorrect but the username is okay” level of feedback, so you’re on your own. Based on how capable and experienced you are, let’s assume it’s correct anyway. If the converter still can’t connect, the server can’t access the other server you’re trying to point it to.

    So… you’ll have the best luck if your bbPress 1.1 tables are in the same database as your current WordPress installation. Maybe try exporting those tables out of the other database, and importing them into the current one, and give it another shot.

    It’s worth adding, that while you say it’s an easy process, the data migration for took 8 hours, with 200k posts, 5 million users in the shared tables, and generous query limits and timeouts between them. The converter itself, works great.

    I’m sorry you’re having trouble, and I’m confident you’ll figure it out.



    We do think.

    That’s why it works exactly like you describe.

    • Per user
    • Per period of time you set
    • Not forum/topic specific
    In reply to: No Forums Base



    Not currently possible without a fair bit of hacking.

    WordPress reserves the base for pages and blog posts, should you set your permalinks that way.



    There’s sekrit codez in the codez.



    Most likely need to flush your permalinks.

    Visit: Settings > Permalinks and click save.



    You’ll have better luck looking into the existing templates, and copying existing functionality. Check in: templates/default/bbpress/content-archive-forum.php



    Don’t listen to Pippin, he’s incorrect. 🙂

    Put your bbPress translations in:

    In reply to: bbPress 2.2.1



    @rossagrant — Anytime. What you just described is exactly what this aims to accomplish. Thanks for being patient and dealing with the initial misstep.



    That’s a pretty clever approach to fixing that specific problem. Nice work.



    It’s possible you have some other plugin that isn’t playing nicely with bbPress. Typical trouble shooting rules apply: start deactivating things, and keep reverting changes, until you find the source.



    @tzeldin88 – Again, difficult to be confident, but you could filter bbPress’s role mapping, to add custom comparisons for your newly created roles. Then bbPress will just naturally make:

    X site role = Y forum role

    with each new user that visits the site.

    The filter you’d want to use, is bbp_get_user_role_map. It looks like this:

     * Return a map of WordPress roles to bbPress roles. Used to automatically grant
     * appropriate bbPress roles to WordPress users that wouldn't already have a
     * role in the forums. Also guarantees WordPress admins get the Keymaster role.
     * @since bbPress (r4334)
     * @return array Filtered array of WordPress roles to bbPress roles
    function bbp_get_user_role_map() {
    	// Get the default role once here
    	$default_role = bbp_get_default_role();
    	// Return filtered results, forcing admins to keymasters.
    	return (array) apply_filters( 'bbp_get_user_role_map', array (
    		'administrator' => bbp_get_keymaster_role(),
    		'editor'        => $default_role,
    		'author'        => $default_role,
    		'contributor'   => $default_role,
    		'subscriber'    => $default_role
    	) );
    In reply to: bbPress 2.2.1



    @greenmeanie – Shouting at volunteers isn’t a great way to get a positive response. Also, this is the incorrect topic to post personal support requests in. You’ll have better luck, and be able to subscribe to responses, if you create your own topic with details about your issue.

    In reply to: bbPress 2.2.1



    @rossagrant – BuddyPress is a whole different animal. It assumes every user on your site always has a link to their root profile. If you have BuddyPress bolted on top, you’re probably okay.

    What BuddyPress does *not* do yet, and likely won’t for some time, is separate multiple bbPress forums across multiple sites on a multisite network, and give them their own spot in a user profile.

    I’ll end up building something similar to this for eventually, but until then, it’s only pseudo-code in my imagination.



    A survey done earlier this year came up with $55 as the average hourly rate for WordPress consultants, worldwide. Considering that’s the median, and the time it will take to start, monitor, and audit a data migration, my guess as to why you’re not having much luck is because $20 is too low of a bid for taking on the responsibility.

    bbPress does make this process pretty simple, considering the labor it does under the hood. If you’re already experiencing issues, it’s likely going to take more than .5 hours to complete. Anything beyond 30 minutes, and it’s time better spent on a different job.

    I say all of this, only to be helpful and informative, to help y’all make better educated bids if you’re wanting to pay someone for their time. If you want to keep trying this yourself, become familiar with how to backup and restore your data. Once you have the right tools and become relatively proficient, it’s actually pretty easy.

    Good luck getting everything moved over. Let us know if you have questions, should you dive in again.

    In reply to: bbPress 2.2.1



    @rossagrant – You are correct. The downside to only being a “Member” and not having a role on the site, is bbPress suppresses profile pages for those users. This is mostly because of WordPress Multisite, to prevent guessing user profile slugs and pulling up profiles of users that don’t actually exist on the site, and also to not link off to spam/deleted user accounts.

    Lots of moving parts.

    Naturally, if you *need* to override any of these weird nuances, there are filters everywhere for developers to make modifications to these behaviors. Ideally, bbPress comes with the solutions that are best for everyone, and the other answers come when specific questions like this are asked.

    If this turns out to not be the best configuration, we can always change it, but I suspect it’s the best compromise that’s currently possible.



    @tzeldin88 – There’s a tool to batch the user forum role process, in Tools > Forums

    It’s likely the custom roles you’re making won’t work, at least I haven’t tried it yet myself. While it’s not impossible to make work, I don’t think it’s a great setup for the future of your site.

    WordPress purposely excludes a UI for roles and capabilities because they’re easy to muck up, and difficult to reset back to stock.



    In Tools > Forums are some uninstall tools, but if you don’t have forum content, there’s nothing to uninstall. Reinstalling bbPress is just uploading the files and activating the plugin.

    Unclear how bbPress works with WPML, haven’t tried the two together.



    This is a rare long-shot, but it’s possible your host has output buffering turned off. Can you check with your host and see if that’s the case?




    This is dope. Thanks for sharing!



    Likely something in your theme. What happens if you switch back to a default theme?

    In reply to: bbPress 2.2.1



    @rossagrant – The display role is actually a bit different than taking the literal role from the user. It uses capabilities rather than the role, to adjust the output based on the user’s ability.

    See the bbp_get_user_display_role function for more.

    It does this because it needs to handle Inactive users (spam/deleted) as well as anonymous/logged-out users, neither of which have a literal role, but also have different “roles” in the forum, for lack of a better way to put it.

    “Member” is the ambiguous word I used for “user is registered, but does not actually have a literal role on this site in the database.”

    Open to suggestions here, if it’s too confusing.



    bbPress 2.2.1 takes another step towards automating this for installations with custom roles. If you have custom roles, bbPress will now fallback to the default role for those users.



    Could it be that since the deleted posts in bbpress 1.1 are still in the database as there is no way to empty the deleted creating problems during integration?

    Correct. The migration doesn’t *fix* anything, it migrates exactly what you already have.

    In reply to: bbPress 2.2.1



    Up to you and your needs. Personally, I’d tick the box, and I suspect you’ll want to too. The reason it’s there is more for installations like, where the process of adding a user to a blog actually means something completely different than it does under normal circumstances.

    Also, if the box isn’t ticket, bbPress doesn’t create a profile for that user, because they won’t have a *real* role on the site. They’ll be registered, but have to assigned role; bbPress will just dynamically assign the default to them on the fly when they’re using the site.



    Try bbPress 2.2.1; let me know if it fixes this.

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