Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Theme EditorIn reply to: How to add different style to the first post?
That is the right thing to edit! One way to do it is to add a counter
$postorder = 0;
foreach ($posts as $bb_post) : $del_class = post_del_class(); ?>
<?php $postorder++;
<li id="post-<?php post_id(); ?>" class="entry-<?php echo $postorder; ?>"<?php alt_class('post', $del_class); ?>>
<?php bb_post_template(); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>Then you can just use CSS and format
however you like!In reply to: Convert WP Super Cache plug-in for bbPress ?@frooyo – Start here:
It has all the functions and probably the hooks as well. That’s where I start when I want to figure out what’s up. You can view the code in the pages, and click on links to explain what each function etc is. I have no idea what functions etc you’ll need. I’d personally start by boning up on WP-Super-Cache, seeing what it hooks into on WP, and then, under the assumption the WP and BB has similar structures, look for the BB version of the WP hooks.
And then I’d get a beer.
In reply to: Need to move the board more to the left.You can’t make an image size cap that will work in all browsers, but in theory you should be able to ‘crop’ the image via overflow. See and you’ll want to add it to
In theory you could also make a css entry for (I think…)
.threadpostimg {}
along these lines: (which will xplain why IE sucks).As for why you have that dead space… You have a left margin
Trim that down.
#front-page #discussions {
margin-left: 170px;
width: 590px;
}In reply to: How to list tags on forum.phpActually … kinda yeah.
This works on any page
<?php if (is_topic() ) : ?><?php topic_tags(); ?><?php endif; // is_topic() ?>
I have it in sidebar.php and it works fine. The reason it works is that it checks the page to see if it’s a topic and, if so, gets the tags.I’m guessing you want something like this on your index page etc: Topic Name – Poster Name – Tags
You’ll need something like
which appears to take a$topic_id
parameter.In reply to: Just one more… release candidate 1.0-RC-3_ck_ – Totally valid point. And that’s what I’m doing now
PS: Trunk is totally sick on the admin side! ROCK!
In reply to: Convert WP Super Cache plug-in for bbPress ?@frooyo – Either get Donncha to explain the plugin (good luck, he’s busy) or download it for WP and study it. Honestly, I think you’re a little nuts, only because you’re picking possibly the most complicated plugin in the history of WP to convert as your first plugin
In reply to: bb_meta corrupted?What version of MySQL are they running?
In reply to: List of Plugins that work on RC3Allow Images works if you change this:
remove_filter( 'pre_post', 'bb_encode_bad' );
add_filter( 'pre_post', 'allow_images_encode_bad', 9 );
add_filter( 'pre_post', 'allow_images', 52 );
add_filter( 'bb_allowed_tags', 'allow_images_allowed_tags' );to this
// remove_filter( 'pre_post', 'encode_bad' );
// add_filter( 'pre_post', 'allow_images_encode_bad', 9 );
// add_filter( 'pre_post', 'allow_images', 52 );
add_filter( 'bb_allowed_tags', 'allow_images_allowed_tags' );In reply to: Menu LinksAre you on a Windows server?
In reply to: bb_meta corrupted?Other than make another backup right now? No.
It looks like that was a good way to solve the issue. I can’t imagine how that corruption happened. Cylons…
In reply to: Just one more… release candidate 1.0-RC-3I was about to say “I use Allow Images without any problem”, but when I went to look at my files, I found I have an allow-images.php and an allow-images.orig … Clearly I found shenanigans somewhere down the road.
Change this:
remove_filter( 'pre_post', 'bb_encode_bad' );
add_filter( 'pre_post', 'allow_images_encode_bad', 9 );
add_filter( 'pre_post', 'allow_images', 52 );
add_filter( 'bb_allowed_tags', 'allow_images_allowed_tags' );to this
// remove_filter( 'pre_post', 'encode_bad' );
// add_filter( 'pre_post', 'allow_images_encode_bad', 9 );
// add_filter( 'pre_post', 'allow_images', 52 );
add_filter( 'bb_allowed_tags', 'allow_images_allowed_tags' );And Allow Images should work.
In reply to: User profile link in post – replacement linkYou just want to change the output from
<a href="">Key Master</a>
to<a href="">Profile</a>
?Try this:
<div class="threadauthor">
<?php avatarupload_display(get_post_author_id()); ?>
<strong><?php post_author_link(); ?></strong><br />
<small><a href="/profile/<?php post_author(); ?>">User Profile</a></small>
</div>In reply to: Convert YetAnotherForum to bbPress, or any platform…Mad idea.
Convert it to phpBB2 (NOT 3!) –
Convert phpBB to bbPress –
See also:
If you read the SMF to bbPress thread you’ll see what machinations were needed. Good luck!
In reply to: Can admin but not browse to forum@johnhiller – On the other hand, going gold will mean more people using it and thus more people screaming for help and bitching at bugs
Which is stressful, but honestly there’s nothing like a real-world test. (She says, having spend 6 months beta testing new software, had NO bugs in her queue, and then twenty minutes in the wild had a fill ticket queue again
You just can’t test everything.)
In reply to: Limiting my forum’s post sizeCSS doesn’t control everything. Yet.
Actually, it can control that, but not reliably or consistently, due to browser independence.
chris’s idea is probably best in the long run.
In reply to: Menu LinksI’m not sure why they decided it should be that way, I just go with the flow
What are the folder permissions on my-templates, when compared to bb-templates?
In reply to: Menu LinksI’m … not sure. Can you show me what you have in bb-templates and my templates? I’m assuming it’s this:
/public_html/bbpress/my-templates/kakumei-blueIf so, rename the folders under my-templates to something like ‘my-kakumei’.
In reply to: help, comments link to bbpress now, not comments!chrishajer – Not exactly.
I NEVER put WP in the root, after (in the 1.* days) it pitched a hissy fit with another web app over permalinks and htaccess. And since you can run WP out of root while having it in a subfolder, and no one can tell the difference, it works rather well.
I have this:
/var/www/example/index.php <which points to the wordpress folder>
/var/www/example/wordpress/<wordpress files>accessible here and here
accessible here
With this, once I got my auth keys in order, it worked fine. I’m not saying it can’t be done your way (and hey, if it works, leave it alone!
), I’m just saying that I’ve seen it cause more headaches.
In reply to: Limiting my forum’s post sizeUntested thought: You could edit your theme to limit the data accepted in the textbox.
In reply to: Email blocks – response from my ISPI ‘resell’ space to a friend with an InvisionBoard setup, and that site spits out a lot of ‘bounced’ emails from spammers registering. I send out 1000s of emails from my domains a day. The ONLY time I had any issues was Yahoo being a bint about me sending emails to non-existent accounts. They realized the problem and apologized.
A ‘normal’ board has little to worry about. You have to work hard to get blacklisted
Or be spoofed enough.
In reply to: Menu LinksNo, you should copy the folder from bb-templates to a new folder name in my-templates.
So you’d have
and also/public_html/bbpress/my-templates/ipstenu
But all you really need is to port over the files from kakumei that you want to change.
In reply to: It is posible to integrate bbpress in to wp themeTo make everything look like it’s one website is easiest to do with custom theming (or deep integration, but frankly that seems unreliable to me).
The site in question is using this plugin – – bbPress is not a plugin, so it cannot be integrated the same way.
You can also allow for anon posting, though I don’t know if you can make it so that people can invent their own nicks on the fly.
Can’t answer that last one, as I don’t know if anyone’s tried.
In reply to: help, comments link to bbpress now, not comments!With the setup you describe, I think you have bbpress as a subfolder under your WP install, and I’m not sure that’s a good idea. But I have no proof. I always suggest having WP in a non root folder, due to htaccess weirdness.
In reply to: Admin page CSS not workingFrom the blog
The admin area is currently lacking a lot of design nuance in the content areas, but all the forms and controls are at least functional. Let’s call this the “excuse the mess” release candidate.
It’s not you, it’s RC.