Forum Replies Created
In reply to: I've lost my admin account!!!
Sorry, the correct command is:
UPDATE bb_usermeta SET meta_value = 'a:1:{s:9:"keymaster";b:1;}' WHERE user_id = %%USERID%% AND meta_key = 'bb_capabilities' LIMIT 1
Replace %%USERID%% with user id
In reply to: I've lost my admin account!!!Do you have access to your database? If yes, then create a new user which you want to be the admin. Then open your database through phpMyAdmin and open the database used in your bbPress install. A lot of tables would load in the left, click on the box like thing in the left of bb_users (or TABLEPREFIXusers), see the user you just created and note the ID in the left of it. Next, click the box in the left of bb_usermeta and then in the above part of right, click the SQL tab. In the textbox that appears, paste this:
= ‘a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}’WHERE
= ‘%%USERID%%’ ANDmeta_key
= ‘bb_capabilities’`Don’t forget to replace %%USERID%% with the id you noted down before.
It has been fixed in [2377]
In reply to: updating to bbpress-1.0.2 with WampserverWhich PHP version are you using?
In reply to: Somethings holding us back (random thoughts)…Specifically, bbPress is effectively set up to meet singular criteria, and really struggles to be adaptable. I’d go as far as to say it’s far to blog like in data structure. I’m confident that if i had a few days off work (and with no kids) that i could easily make a wordpress theme that would look and work exactly the same as bbPress. That’s fairly disappointing.
Theme porting is not that much work, I have done that 2 times till now.
bbPress makes no attempt to update parent forums. It’s a major flaw that leads to forum X having no information on forum Y at all, even though they are directly related. Instead, in order to find this out, a plugin that makes numerous SQL calls every time a forum is loaded (and for every forum listed) must be created to fake this basic functionality.
Report it in trac.
Regarding moderation, in the latest trunk you can mass-delete posts and topics, and I have also posted a working patch to delete multiple users in one go and have the patch (on my local copy) to sort users by username, email, signup date ascending/descending.
That problem is only for you, maybe some other plugin would be conflicting.
In reply to: HELP:[You have an error in your SQL syntax;That is being caused by a plugin, most probably some online user list plugin.
In reply to: IRC meeting February 14thOh.. bad timing (for me).. exactly opposite my location –
Can’t the meetup be held near 1000 to 2300 IST time (
In reply to: IRC meeting February 14thIt says Time is fixed on Saturday, 13 February 2010, 17:42:51 UTC time, but I don’t thing that’s the case. Ok, just tell me how many hours is that timezone (EST) ahead/behind of GMT.
In reply to: IRC meeting February 14thCan I please know that if the timezone I selected here is correct –
It shows 2 time zones (1 for winter and 1 for summer)
If it is (correct), then I’ll surely attend the meetup.
Hmm.. maybe
In reply to: bbPress as a WordPress Plugin – ThoughtsThat would pile up even more work. I would probably go forward and extract the code in
of BuddyPress and make a WordPress plugin to integrate bbPress forums.In reply to: Nominations for Project Lead?I am. But as I said I would be busy with exams after a couple of days, I would only be back here in the 2nd week of March.
We don’t do beta testing at BBpress.
Who said? We had alphas and betas for 1.0.
In reply to: Nominations for Project Lead?ChrisHajer should definitely NOT be the next project lead of BBpress. Chris is a great great moderator, and to remove him from this role would leave us with ZERO moderators.
Why would he be removed from the moderators list?
Gautam and Nightgunner5 are both programmers, skilled to be sure, but that does not make a good project lead either.
I can’t say about myself, but nightgunner5 would definitely be a good project lead. Can you provide a “why no” reason?
No, whoever leads BBpress will be from Automattic. It’s their project folks, they’re just letting us chat on their forums.
That doesn’t mean that one can’t contribute to it. At the end of the day, it is for the people who are using it.
At the end of the day, people will vote for people they agree with, and not in an objective manner, heck I’m confident that if I was to say that i think BBpress should not be a WP plugin and should have facebook connect then i could convince a least 2 people to vote for me, regardless of any actual facts.
That’s natural for a normal user. They want what they need.
Why are you always so angry, against everyone and ready to fight with every person..!?
(By the way it is bbPress not BBpress)
In reply to: bbPress as a WordPress Plugin – ThoughtsI think you misunderstood me. I am saying to only extract
part of BuddyPress and make a new WordPress plugin out of it which would integrate bbPress into WordPress.By the way, the trunk version of BuddyPress can be installed on a normal WordPress install.
I think it is just a modified version of BBcode Lite plugin by _ck_.
In reply to: Nominations for Project Lead?Thanks for the appreciation, grassrootspa!
Though I feel Ben is the new _ck_ (except for the fact that he is male.. lol
In reply to: AJAX interface?You can interact with
to make AJAX calls. bbPress also used to do ajax posting before, but then it was removed due to some small bugs. There is a ticket to bring back AJAX posting – #718In reply to: Nominations for Project Lead?I’d love to take on the development of bbPress project, but I would be only available in March, after I get over with my exams.
In reply to: Trac Updates for 1.1I have a list of tickets which can be fixed in a day (90% of them have patches, or are a 1-2 lines fix):
Low – #1216 #1184 #1183 #1237 #1192 #1173 #1230 #1234 #1193
Mod – #1199 #1185 #1165 #1222 #1181 #1233 #1232 #1244 #1241 #690 #1252
High – #1194 #1214 #1202
In reply to: Trac Updates for 1.1Please do not change the milestone of tickets which have a working patch or are bugs.
In reply to: What's happening with bbPress?If you would like to contribute to 1.1, please test the two major feature additions to 1.1 and submit patches for improvements and/or bug fixes to those features.
There are dozens of patches lying in the trac which are not being implemented (maybe because of lack of attention/lead developer). And when any major commit is made, patches become out-of-date, so they should be added now. Many of them are bugs which really need to be fixed.
That’s strange.
I can see 2 attachments here – but they cannot be downloaded. That might be because of server restrictions or check
for those who can download attachments.